Bug: .redirect property contains original url when the response contains no redirect.
Ah, right. I was wavering between calling this ".urlfinal" to indicate the final URL or ".redirect" to represent a redirect. Another option was to simply update .url to store the final URL. But I think .redirect makes the most sense. The .redirect property will be changed in the next beta to be empty unless a redirect takes place.
Bug: Trying to cancel a download with either $urlget(%id,c) or $urlget(%url,c) first returns 1 then crashes mIRC.
I have not been able to reproduce this yet. I have tried starting multiple $urlget()s and cancelling them repeatedly and mIRC has not crashed yet. Can you show me the $urlget() call you are using to initiate the download?
"Bug": Downloading to binvar is slow, ~2 MB/s after 10 seconds compared to 60 MB/s for download to file.
Hmm. There is only one download routine. The only difference between file and &binvar is that file is written to during the download, whereas &binvar is set at the end. So, technically, file should be slower. In my tests, I actually had to make "file" cache downloads up to a certain amount because Windows Anti-Virus was scanning the file after each write. Can you provide two $urlget() calls that reproduce this issue?