As I have said previously, there is nothing wrong with discussions about how to make the hashing algorithm work more efficiently (either in terms of spread across buckets or speed), but these will have relatively minor impacts on hash table speed.
If we are going to expend effort on speeding up hash tables, then surely it makes sense to focus that effort on whatever area will speed up hash tables the most.
Linked-list iteration is probably THE SINGLE MOST EXECUTED ALGORITHM in mIRC's hash tables, and is the one which contributes by far the most to slow hash table performance for large hash tables because it is O(n).
It is used in /hadd, /hdel and $hget(table,item) to iterate over a single bucket to find the item or check whether the item exists and in $hget(table,n).item and $hfind to iterate over the entire table to count or find an item.
So, if we are looking for significant real-world performance improvements for large hash tables (as opposed to small ones, as measured in artificial workloads / benchmarks) then shouldn't we be looking at how to avoid iterating over linked lists?