Originally Posted By: Raccoon
A collection of settings files might only be changed once per month or never, but a /timer would have to relentlessly check on them every second or minute just in case.

(edit) On a side-topic. It would be nice to disable mIRC's file monitoring warning messages. I assumed it was disabled with 'Initialization Warning' but it's separate. I just considered a hack using mIRC's own 'Monitor File Changes' by creating a small remote script with an On Load event on top, followed by an open ended /* comment block so that everything that follows is ignored, whatever it is (like a wget output log). This works, but it inundates the user with a constant warning/confirmation dialog.

It was the monitoring warning messages that prompted me to create an autoScriptReloader script which reloads scripts whenever I save them from my external editor. But, as you will guess, it works on a 1 second timer. Hence my interest in this functionality.

P.S. Happy to share if you want a copy.