Thats not what I meant. I probably didn't say it right.

What I meant was how will mIRC start monitoring the specific file in first place to be able to trigger the event when the file changes.


Trying to answer it myself --- perhaps similar to sockets?
Something like first creating listener with /filewatch <name> <file> and then using On 1:FILECHANGE:name:commands

Originally Posted By: maroon
It would likely check for change the same way that Initialization Warning checks, by looking only at timestamp date, and not filesize or contents.

I sure hope not. Because then additionally for mIRC getting all confused about loaded scripts twice a year (when DST comes in effect and ends) it would also start giving false change notices for the files you monitor as well.

Last edited by Brax; 29/11/17 06:37 PM.

echo -a $signature