You guys obviously missed the point I was making there..

The help file, although it is good, and it does help people to script, it does not necessarily guide them and teach them how to script correctly and efficiently. They force people to "reinvent the wheel".

There are many "tutorials" for Macromedia Flash as well, but they pretty much all of them suck. The one that comes with Macromedia Flash, however, was created by people who know how to use the program well and know how flash files should be created, not "how someone figured out how to do it".

An official tuturial could also be the culmination of the effort of many people, not necessarily like what a lot of other tutorials are like, which are created soley by one person and are grossly incomplete.

I'm not saying that all tutorials that come with programs are better, so don't argue that with me. The Macromedia tutorial was simply an example.

What I'm saying is that it is logical to conclude that a "centralized tutorial" recieves more work and the several other various tutorials usually don't recieve as much attention and aren't as detailed.

I've searched for tutorials for mIRC before and they usually just tell me things I already know.. They don't teach people to script the way they should.. It's just usually junk.. I've seen some that actually teach people the wrong way to script..

Ok, my concentration has gone to 0.. (3 of my friends came over). I'm going to end my post here. If it's disorganized, I apologize.. My brain just became scattered though.. lol

If anyone knows of any good tutorials, please let me know about them. I'd appreciate it.

- Wherever you go there you are.[color:lightgreen]