Originally Posted By: Loki12583
IceChat is not mIRC.

Idd its not a mIRC but it can work on mIRC coding. and im chatting on a IRC server with IceChat so its almost the same i think.
Even de scripting in the IceChat is like a mIRC.
.Prive:me $1 als je met mij privee wil gaan, zou je dat dan eerst eens vriendelijk willen vragen, en niet zomaar met de deur in huis vallen... DANK U !!!
.Display User Info:/userinfo $nick
.Whois user:whois $nick $nick
.DNS User:dns $nick
.Invite user:invite $nick #$$?="Enter Channel Name"
.Notice user:notice $nick $$?="Enter Message"
.Query user:query $nick
Op Commands
.Voice user:mode # +v $nick
.DeVoice user:mode # -v $nick
.Op user:mode # +o $nick
.Deop user:mode # -o $nick
.Kick:kick # $nick $$?="Enter Kick Reason"
.Ban Kick NoReason:ban # $mask($host,2) | kick # $nick bye
.Ban Kick:ban # $mask($host,2) | kick # $nick $$?="Enter Kick Reason"
.Ban:ban # $mask($host,2)
.Ping:PING $nick
.Version:VERSION $nick
.Page:ctcp $nick Page $$?="Enter Message"
.Send:dcc send $nick
.Chat:dcc chat $nick
.Brick:me slaps $nick with a big red brick
.Trout:me slaps $nick with a 4r8a9i11n13b17o26w trout
Protect List
.Add:/protect $mask($host,10) $chan $network
.Remove:/protect -r $mask($host,10) $chan $network
Auto Op List
.Add:/aop $mask($host,10) $chan $network
.Remove:/aop -r $mask($host,10) $chan $network
Auto Voice List
.Add:/avoice $mask($host,10) $chan $network
.Remove:/avoice -r $mask($host,10) $chan $network

thats 1 of the scripting so you can see thats almost like a mIRC