you have to type in your command lol
!commandadd !hello /me welcomes you to the stream

!commandremove !hello

it is already for op only
if you didnt change anything
on $*:text:/^!commandadd !?(\S+)/iS:#test:{
  if ($nick !isop #) return
  writeini commands.ini commands $regml(1) $$3-

on $*:text:/^!commandremove !?(\S+)/iS:#test:{
  if ($nick !isop #) return
  remini commands.ini commands $regml(1)

on $*:text:/^!repeat !?(\S+) (off|\d+)/iS:#test:{
  if ($nick !isop #) return
  var %command = $regml(1), %interval = $regml(2)
  if ($timer(command. $+ %command)) {
    if (%interval == off) .timercommand. $+ %command off
    else msg # ! $+ %command is already repeating
  elseif ($readini(commands.ini,n,commands,%command)) {
    var %response = $v1
    .timercommand. $+ %command 0 $iif(%interval < 5,5,%interval) msg # $safe(%response)
    msg # %response

on $*:text:/^!(\S+)/:#test:{
  if ($nick !isop #) return
  if ($readini(commands.ini,n,commands,$regml(1))) msg # $v1

alias safe return $!decode( $encode($1,m) ,m)

if ($nick !isop #) return

if nick who is executing the command not an op then return, else add command.

everything i told you is already specified in this thread