I would say that ALL modern web browsers let you use those characters in URLs. Also, by "horribly broken", I'm referring to the whole [] issue, not just the URL catcher.
EDIT: Regardless or not if those characters should be in an elitist "real url" as stated in some ISO standard (made almost 10 years ago when the Internet was new), they're still there in the real world (TODAY!) and mIRC should deal with that properly. If you have a problem with that, then write to Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and Apple so that their web browsers would be compatible with mIRC's URL handling.
EDIT2: This is going to that "mIRC is perfect, everyone else is wrong" -discussion again as I already stated. Please, stop pretending that mIRC is perfect.
EDIT3: Also the issue, Riamus2, isn't about the codepages or wanting support for those. It's the fact that some nicknames don't display on the nicklist AT ALL because they use some character that the SERVER ALLOWS THEM TO USE IN THEIR NICKNAME. That is clearly the fault of the IRC client (in this case mIRC) if it can't display those users on the list at all. I won't go into that here, I just used it as an example on how nothing gets done when people pretend that nothing is wrong.
Last edited by krypto; 30/08/12 09:50 PM.