As mentioned, [] is not supposed to be in a real URL anyhow without being escaped/encoded. Other characters are also escaped in URLs, such as spaces. If you use the correctly escaped link, then you won't have a problem. If someone types it without correctly escaping it, then sure, mIRC will probably not handle it correctly. That really isn't a bug, but more of just simply not handling a situation that shouldn't need to be handled. It is the same as links that have spaces in them. If someone types them without escaping the spaces, the full link won't be clickable. That isn't a bug by any means. Properly escaped, [code] should look like: %5Bcode%5D . That being said, unless there is some specific reason not to handle it, then mIRC could be changed to handle URLs that are not properly escaped (other than ones with spaces).

As far as your code page comments that aren't related to this discussion, anyone who wants to maintain support for outdated encoding can easily use mIRC 6.35. Everyone else who wants to stop living in the past can use newer versions that support an encoding that lets all languages talk together at once without changing encoding all of the time. There is no reason new versions of mIRC have to maintain backwards compatibility with outdated things like code pages. Unicode has been around for a long time and if people haven't started using it by now, they have no one to blame but themselves.

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