My English is not perfect and I'm aware of it. I'm not a native speaker as you have probably assumed and that's one of the reasons I want a spell checker in mIRC. Maybe spell checking is more of a feature that fits foreigners better. I'd probably turn off spell checking for my native language now that I think of it.

The software I mentioned is not free and has a lot of flaws/bugs (that wouldn't exist if mIRC implements spell checking natively) that I won't get into describing because it's not really relevant.

You seem to have a hard time understanding my point about false negatives. As I said, false negatives exist and you're right to ignore them. Mind you, ignoring false negatives and actual negatives are two very different things. When I asked if you ignore chrome's spell checker I meant ignoring actual negatives, not false negatives. Of course you ignore false negatives, you'd be a fool not to (why would I even suggest not ignoring false negatives?). Anyhow, some of these so called "false negatives" are not false at all since words like mIRC, aspell do not exist in the English dictionary (the same thing goes for the acronyms 'lol', 'IRC' and alike) - it seems that you have a rather subjective view on false positive. I've also mentioned in my previous post that it only takes a couple of hours of chatting adding those particular words into a custom dictionary that will validate these words.

I wasn't making a false assumption since I didn't say all (nor did I say "most", for that matter) people care about correct spelling while chatting as they do while writing a post on a forum, I said _some_ people do (notice the difference between some and all/most). There's also a huge difference between spelling and sentence formation/grammar (correct forming of sentences, punctuation, etc). I never said that people on IRC care about capitalisation or proper punctuation (although I'm sure _some_ of them do), I simply said some of them care about correct spelling of words. You could argue that spell checkers keep well formed sentences and capitalisation but that's simply not true in all cases, and it's certainly not the kind of spell checker that I think needs to be implemented in mIRC.

And by the way, the error I made was a grammatical error, not a spelling one, and it's far from ironic (see first paragraph) smile (Thanks for pointing it out to everyone by the way... That was nice of you). You had quite a few grammatical mistakes yourself, just so you'll know.