Originally Posted By: hixxy
You didn't comment on my WhileFix.dll suggestion, do you think that would have any adverse effects?

Besides making the script slightly slower, not really. Event processing might occur out of order, but that's about it. WhileFix doesn't thread, it basically forces mIRC to process message events between each loop iteration (or whenever you call on the whilefix dll file). Technically you can use this inside your $findfile call:

alias whilefix { dll WhileFix.dll WhileFix . | $1 }
noop $findfile(dir,*,0,0,$whilefix(command here))

Perhaps mIRC could do with a /updateui command that would basically force a processing of the message loop (exactly what whilefix does) and people could just insert those into their long running tasks to make mIRC seem more active. That wouldn't be a bad idea at all.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"