Although this is by no means perfect (as I didn't bother deleting the previous lines as you'll see), it certainly indicates that it is implementable through scripting ways. Yes I am also aware that you are asking for the feature itself, so please disregard that for now. =\

alias ccb {
  var %j 1, %i $cb(0)
  clipboard -an
  while (%j <= %i) {
    clipboard $iif(%i == %j,-a,-an) $regsubex($cb(%j),/ $+ $clean_timestamp($timestampfmt) <.+> (.+)/,\1)
    inc %j
alias clean_timestamp return $replace($1,y,\d,m,.,h,\d,n,\d,s,\d,tt,..\/..,t,.\/.)

× 21:21:05 × <@DaMan> twilly doesn't even own a PS3 lol
× 21:21:11 × <%Twilly> Do too
× 21:21:20 × <%Twilly> I secretly follow you around on PS3 internet

Where $timestampfmt in my case is: × HH:nn:ss ×

And changes the clipboard to:
× 21:21:05 × <@DaMan> twilly doesn't even own a PS3 lol
× 21:21:11 × <%Twilly> Do too
× 21:21:20 × <%Twilly> I secretly follow you around on PS3
twilly doesn't even own a PS3 lol
Do too
I secretly follow you around on PS3

In my opinion, this certainly makes it easier to work with.

Edit: Just realized it's not showing it properly XD. It is supposed to be $chr(215)

Last edited by Firstmate; 13/05/10 03:25 AM.