alias filetest {
  var %lines = $lines($1-), %ticks = $ticks
  .fopen filetest $1-
  if (!$ferr) {
    /fseek -l filetest %lines
  .fclose filetest
  echo -a File handling commands time taken: $calc($ticks - %ticks) ms.
  if (*command halted* iswm $error) {
    close -@ @test
    if ($fopen(filetest)) .fclose $v1
alias filtertest {
  var %ticks = $ticks
  filter -ff $1- NUL
  echo -a Filter command time taken: $calc($ticks - %ticks) ms.
alias benchtest {
  var %file = $qt($my.ff.log)
  filetest %file
  filtertest %file

File handling commands time taken: 2313 ms.
Filter command time taken: 2984 ms.

Hmmmm... you people don't know how to use /fseek!

I don't care if you choose Hixxy's way or mine. Both show that the operation itself is not the bottleneck. Using /fseek <handle> $file(<file>).size will take less than a millisecond to execute. You need perform this operation every time you open a file to append to it. The bottleneck is the interpreter. And 170,000 in 5 seconds comes to 34,000 lines per second. "Servers.ini" uses maybe 1000. The default setting for the window buffer is 5000 lines. So why the obsession with /filter?

Last edited by MeStinkBAD; 02/05/10 09:14 AM.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!