A long time ago... in a galaxy far away... a thread contained the following remark...

Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Before throwing broad generalizations out about how it's useless and not good to do and so on, why not try using it with /filter on a very large text file and compare your results. You'll find that there can be a significant difference in speed on large files (i.e. not just a few milliseconds).

Okay this maybe beating a dead horse but please show me something to support this. PLEASE! This is FFXI game log I've been testing on and I'm not getting a noticeable difference. I mean it contains 170,000 lines! What am I missing? I don't understand this obsession with /filter!

Last edited by MeStinkBAD; 30/04/10 10:30 PM.

Beware of MeStinkBAD! He knows more than he actually does!