/fseek -l <handle> reads every character in the file up to the desired line. It has too. It has to search for every EOL, increment a counter, and check if it's on the desired line.
/fseek alone (without any switches) doesn't. It's instantaneous. I mean 0 ms. No time at all. Go ahead. Try /fseek <handle> $file(<file>).size. Or /fseek <handle> $r(1,$file(<file>).size) Which ever. Just type it in the command line.
/filter forces you to output to something. And NUL is a device to send data you want to discard. It always returns EOF on read, regardless what you "write" to it.
The end result is the same using /fseek -l or /filter > NUL. If two operations produce the end result, you've accomplished the same thing.
I honestly think this is ironic... I included -l to *be^ fair. If I didn't the result would have been...
File handling commands time taken: 0 ms.
Filter command time taken: 2984 ms.
Last edited by MeStinkBAD; 02/05/10 04:59 PM.