Sparta, I misunderstood the point of that in the script, it's meant to halt the default text for the other person. I was expecting a way to halt only my text, which is why I misunderstood. Also, I know what the !$ctrlenter was for, I know how using Ctrl + Enter makes one send the exact written word instead of executing a command, I had no problem with that part. I've since looked up $left, and understand what it does, it checks the first letter of the first word in that particular use. I didn't know what it was looking for in the mirc.ini file though, thanks for that. Also, I don't really need to check and see if the default is changed for my particular mIRC, I never changed it, and wouldn't want to use another character anyway, / is much easier for me. Didn't know what $target was though, it sounds like it is the same as $active right?

Trixar_za, that script will take me a bit to go through completely, but I see the gist of how it works. You don't seem to have anything for adding a symbol that represents status on a channel though. If I adopt it, I'll probably add that little detail. Got a question about it though. When I try to see what $chr(160) is, I get a blank, no symbol or anything else shows up. What character does that represent? Is it a font code of some kind like 2 and 3?

Also, thanks Hixxy for that detail, but as I mentioned when replying to Sparta, I don't use any other command characters. But the detail about $mircini I'll remember, I may have to look through that file some day, as I've heard a few useful tidbits are in there.

For those of you wanting to know why I was after this, here's the script.

/encode {
  /var %code $rand(1,25)
  /var %a 1
  /var %string  $+ %code $+ 
  While (%a <= $0) {
    /var %word $gettok($1-,%a,32)
    /var %b 1
    While (%b <= $len(%word)) {
      /var %letter $mid(%word,%b,1)
      if (($asc(%letter) >= 65) && ($asc(%letter) <= 90)) {
        /var %asc $asc(%letter) + %code
        if (%asc > 90) {
          /var %asc %asc - 26
        /var %letter $chr(%asc)
      if (($asc(%letter) >= 97) && ($asc(%letter) <= 122)) {
        /var %asc $asc(%letter) + %code
        if (%asc > 122) {
          /var %asc %asc - 26
        /var %letter $chr(%asc)
      if ((%b == 1) && (%a > 1)) {
        /var %string %string %letter
      if (((%b == 1) && (%a == 1)) || (%b > 1)) {
        /var %string %string $+ %letter
      /var %b %b + 1
    /var %a %a + 1
  /return %string
/code {
  /encode $1-
  .msg $active $result
  /echo -a $+($chr(91),$time,$chr(93) <,$me,>) (encoded) $1-
/bcode {
  /encode $1-
  /bsay $result
/msgcode {
  /encode $2-
  .msg $1 $result
  /echo $1 $+($chr(91),$time,$chr(93) <,$me,>) (encoded) $1-

Next the Remote script.
On ^*:Text:**:*:{
  if (** iswm $1) {
    var %numa $mid($1,3,2)
    var %kba $mid($1,5,2)
    var %numb $mid($1,3,1)
    var %kbb $mid($1,4,2)
    if ((%numa isnum) && (%kba == )) {
      var %code %numa
      var %all $mid($1-,7,$len($1-))
    elseif ((%numb isnum) && (%kbb == )) {
      var %code %numb
      var %all $mid($1-,6,$len($1-))
    var %code 26 - %code
    var %a 1
    While (%a <= $0) {
      var %word $gettok(%all,%a,32)
      var %b 1
      While (%b <= $len(%word)) {
        var %letter $mid(%word,%b,1)
        if (($asc(%letter) >= 65) && ($asc(%letter) <= 90)) {
          var %asc $asc(%letter) + %code
          if (%asc > 90) {
            var %asc %asc - 26
          var %letter $chr(%asc)
        if (($asc(%letter) >= 97) && ($asc(%letter) <= 122)) {
          var %asc $asc(%letter) + %code
          if (%asc > 122) {
            var %asc %asc - 26
          var %letter $chr(%asc)
        if ((%b == 1) && (%a > 1)) {
          var %string %string %letter
        if (((%b == 1) && (%a == 1)) || (%b > 1)) {
          var %string %string $+ %letter
        var %b %b + 1
      var %a %a + 1
    if ($chan != $null) {
      echo $chan $+($chr(91),$time,$chr(93) <,$nick,>) (encoded) %string
    else {
      /echo $nick $+($chr(91),$time,$chr(93) <,$nick,>) (encoded) %string

A bit long and drawn out, but it basically messes with the ascii of what I type into a chat, then sends out the encoded message. It also shows what the original message is, and any one else with the same script, can read it, and reply to it, but those with out the script see nothing but nonsense. I did it partly because it's fun getting reactions from people seeing it, and also just to see if I could pull it off. The only thing I had been missing was the .msg part. Thanks Sparta for that, this was exactly what I had been looking for.

Thanks every one for your replies, I've learned a bit today.