Inline? That line makes no sense to me.
If you've programmed in C or PHP or Perl, it has a thing called the ternary (or '?:') operator.
$iif() is basically mIRC's version of that.
Simply put, it allows you to do actions inline based on a condition. The demonstration deegree showed shows it's usage beautifully.
Here's roughly how it would work if you did it in a normal
/if structure:
var %output
if (1 == 1) {
%output = %output true
else {
%output = %output false
%output = %output ::
if (this == that) {
%output = %output true
else {
%output = %output false
%output = %output ::
if ($server) {
%output = %output $v1
else {
%output = %output not connected
echo -ag %output
As most of the regulars on this forum would tell you, this could be written in many ways, but this is just the simplest I could come up with.
$server usage here is probably the most regularly used, for instance:
echo -a I am $iif($server,connected to $v1, not connected).
$iif is also heavily used in Popups, as it allows you to easily change the popup name:
menu channel,status,menubar {
.Set Yourself $iif($away, as Here!, Away) : {
if $away { away } | else { away $?="Type in away message" }
So, it's extremely versitle.
Another example from one of my script files:
ON *:SIGNAL:maketitle {
var %title
var %count = $scon(0)
; Add NICK:NETWORK to titlebar
while (%count) {
%title = $+( [, $iif($scon(%count).status != connected, -, $scon(%count).me), :, $scon(%count).network , $iif( $scon(%count).away, $+($chr(32), $chr(40), A, $chr(41)) ), ]) %title
dec %count
; Add playing MP3 if one exists
if ($inmp3) {
%title = %title [Now Playing: $nopath($addtok(%title,: $insong.fname, 32)) $+ ]]
; Show download/upload speed totals if using DCC
var %up = 0, %down = 0
var %count = $get(0)
while (%count) {
inc %down $get(%count).cps
dec %count
var %count = $send(0)
while (%count) {
inc %up $send(%count).cps
dec %count
if (%up || %down) {
%title = %title $+([, $bytes(%up, k).suf, /, $bytes(%down, k).suf, ])
.timerSpeedUpdate 1 1 .signal maketitle
; Force the mIRC version infront of the rest of the title
.titlebar $version $iif($sslready, (SSL)) $iif($beta, ( $+ $beta $+ )) %title
This creates my titlebar string of:
6.3 (SSL) [Bekar:EFNet (A)] [Bekar:DarkerNet (A)] [Bekar:Rizon (A)] [Bekar:irchighway (A)] [-:ChatSpike] [Now Playing: ben_folds_five_-_army.mp3] [3.2KB/91.96KB]