Actually, your format is valid. And, yes, that picks a random line. If you wanted a specific line, you could include that. If the lines were specific to the nicks, you could also use $readini and then get the line for that specific nick.

Of course, nicer method is using hash tables to store the information. Here's a quick example:

on *:start: {

alias NickRespTable {
  hmake NickResp 100
  if ($exists($scriptdir\NickResp.txt)) { hload NickResp $scriptdir\NickResp.hsh }

on *:join:#: {
  if (!$hget(NickResp)) { NickRespTable }
  if ($hget(NickResp,$nick)) { msg $chan $v1 }

alias AddNewNickResp {
  if (!$hget(NickResp)) { NickRespTable }
  hadd NickResp $$?="Enter a nickname" $$?="Enter the message"
  hsave NickResp $scriptdir\NickResp.hsh 

alias RemNickResp {
  if (!$hget(NickResp)) { NickRespTable }
  var %nick = $iif($1,$1,$$?="Enter Nick")
  if ($hget(NickResp,%nick)) { hdel NickResp %nick }
  hsave NickResp $scriptdir\NickResp.hsh

menu channel,status {
  Nick Responder
  .Add Nick:AddNewNickResp
  .Remove Nick:RemNickResp

menu nicklist,query {
  Nick Responder
  .Add $1:AddNewNickResp $1
  .Remove $1:RemNickResp $1

You can add and remove nicks/messages by right clicking in the channel, status, or query window, or in the nick list.

Invision Support
#Invision on