Now i have this while loop.
alias testar {
  var %i = $chan(0)
  while (%i) {
    var %ic = $chan(%i) 
    var %ci = $addtok(%ci,%ic,44)  
    dec %i
  set %tx %ci
  var %xt = 1
  while ($gettok(%tx,%xt,44) != $null) {
    echo -a -> $gettok(%tx,%xt,44)
    inc %xt

how ever i'm not shure how to add a timer to this, the line that would need the timer is the last echo "echo -a -> $gettok(%tx,%xt,44)" , i need to calc the timer from how many channels it's in the %tx var, then increase the timer for the next channel, then go on doing that untill the channels = $null "$gettok(%tx,%xt,44)", how would i do that? explain plz.

Last edited by sparta; 12/07/07 09:50 AM.

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }