Since i want to return if a nick is irc operator or if the nick is set away i need to use /who nick , then filter the info from that, how ever i cant solve it, if i do /who * o , that should return all irc operators in the channel, how ever i only can get it to cline the irc operator in the first channel he are on. same with away users, the code i use looks like:
/testar trigger it.

alias testar {
  var %chna = $chan(0)
  var %chni = 1
  while (%chni <= %chna) {
    cli $chan(%chni)
    inc %chni
alias cli {
  var %i = $nick($1,0)
  while (%i) {
    who $nick($1,%i)
    ; the echo return all the nicks in the channel.
    echo -a -> $nick($1,%i)
    dec %i
raw 352:*: {
  if ($6 ison $2) {
    ; the echo here also return all nick's in the channel,
    ; it also echo the status, so nothing wrong here.
    echo -a -> $6 - $7
    if (* isin $7) { cline $clinecol(po) $2 $6 }
    if (G isin $7) { cline $clinecol(aw) $2 $6 }
alias clinecol {
  if ($1 == po) { return 05 }
  if ($1 == aw) { return 02 }

so the error must be in the line where i color the nick, i tested to use:

cline -l $clinecol(po) $2 $6
cline -l $clinecol(aw) $2 $6

same thing, it wont color the nick in the channel, any ideas on this one? need help to solve this problem.

and Riamus2, i have the colors setup already for the others, and since that wont cose any lag or problem i stick with the alias wink thnx anyway for the explanation, lerned a bit of it smile

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }