/help /cnick

Set all nicks in your notify list to color 04:
/cnick -y * 04

Set all nicks in your ignore list to color 05:
/cnick -i * 04

-o = op, -v = voice, -p = protect, -IN = Idle for N seconds (I is capital)

Rather than -o or -v for op/voice, you can also use the modes themselves, which lets you handle other modes (halfop, admin, founder, etc) if those are available on your network:
/cnick * 04 @
/cnick * 05 +
/cnick * 06 !
/cnick * 07 %

For regular nicks, use:
/cnick * 08

To remove colors from the list, use -r.

You can easily set those up in a script (dialog or popup or whatever) so that you can select the color(s) you want from there rather than using the address book. Remember when setting them that the order is important. Whichever color you set first will override the other colors if there are multiple matches on a single nick.

For example, if I am both @ and +, and the @ color was entered first, I will be that color. If the + was entered first, then I'll be that color instead. By putting all of this into a script, you won't have to worry about it as long as you put them in the order you want. Normally, you want to put the modes in order from highest mode to lowest mode (@ then + then the regular nicks one shown above, for example). For other types of colors, you have to decide if you want them to override the modes. If you use idle time, you probably want that to be first so that all idle nicks change to the idle color instead of their mode color. The same for notify, ircop, and ignore. So, you'd set those first, then the modes, then the regular (all users) color.

Note that you can set a different color for those with multiple modes/etc.

/cnick * @ 04
/cnick -I60 * @ 05

That will make the normal ops red, and the idle ops dark red. It won't affect anyone else who is idle... just ops (@ and -IN are combined into one). You can combine modes as well:

/cnick * @+ 02

Or whatever.

Put this into a script for on START as well as into whatever dialog or whatever you're using for setting them. For on START, make sure that you store the colors that are chosen in the dialog so that they are available for on START.

Invision Support
#Invision on irc.irchighway.net