alias bug while $for(4) if (%for == 3) $forreturn(%for)
alias nobug while $for(4) { if (%for == 3) $forreturn(%for) }
alias nobug2 while ($for(4)) if (%for == 3) $forreturn(%for)
alias -l for {
  if (%for < $1) || (%for == $null) { inc %for | return $true }
  set %for 0 | return $false
alias -l forreturn { set %for 0 | return return $1 }

Should this be a bug? Why are the curly brackets or parentheses needed for the while loop?

if has a single command of $forreturn and while has the the single command of if

Edit: /bug error message

* /while: 'if' unknown operator

Thus, it's the begining of the command, not an error... smile

Last edited by NaquadaServ; 04/06/07 05:16 PM.
