Would you like to explain what exactly isn't working? And are there errors you see?

Just as a quick, miscellaneous note... /hmake, /hsave, and /hload are already silent except if there is an error message. So there isn't a need to put a . there. If there IS an error message, it would be good to actually SEE it. smile

Also, here is your code inside code tags so that it can be read more easily. Please use code tags whenever you post code on the forum. smile

on *:start:{
  if !$hget(BadWords) { .hmake BadWords 10 }
  if $exists(BadWords.hsh) { .hload BadWords BadWords.hsh }
on *:exit:{
  .hsave -o BadWords BadWords.hsh
on *:disconnect:{
  .hsave -o BadWords BadWords.hsh

menu menubar {
  Private Offensive Message
  .Turn $iif($hget(BadWords,0),Off,On) : .hadd -m BadWords 0 $iif($hget(BadWords,0),$false,$true
  .Add a word : .hadd -m BadWords $$?="Bad Word to be added" $true
  .Remove a word : .hdel BadWords $$?="Bad Word to be removed"
  .List Spam Words : bad_words_list
alias -l bad_words_list {
  var %a = 1, %b = $hget(BadWords,0).item
  unset %badwords
  while %a <= %b {
    set %badwords $addtok(%badwords,$hget(BadWords,%a).item,32)
    if $numtok(%badwords,32) + $len(%badwords) > 900 {
      echo -a $replace(%badwords,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
      unset %badwords
    inc %a
  if %badwords {
    echo -a $replace(%badwords,$chr(32),$+($chr(44),$chr(32)))
    unset %badwords
on *:open:?:{
  if $ulevel != op && $hget(BadWords,0) {
    var %cnt = 1
    while (%cnt <= $hget(BadWords,0).item) {
      if $hget(BadWords,%cnt).item isin $1- {
        close -m $nick
        spamdetect $nick
      else {        inc %cnt      }

on ^*:notice:*:?: {
  if (!$istok(ChanServ NickServ MemoServ,$nick,32)) && $hget(BadWords,0) {
    var %cnt = 1
    while (%cnt <= $hget(BadWords,0).item) {
      if $hget(BadWords,%cnt).item isin $1- {
        spamdetect $nick
      else {        inc %cnt      }

alias spamdetect {
  var %a = 1
  while $comchan($1,%a).op {
    ban -ku3600 $v1 $1 2 14Private Offensive Language
  inc %a

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