Originally Posted By: Riamus2
Just insert /msg $chan (or $nick) $1- above the extra text, or use /say $1- . Then halt the input script.

No, you misunderstand. I'm talking about how the text is displayed on my end, from the TEXT event, not the INPUT event.

As in, someone says "!triggers" in the channel. I want an alias like "/displaydefault" that will cause "[12:34] <Bob> !triggers" to appear in my channel window. After that is displayed, then I can use the dynamic alias calling above to get the corresponding function, which then displays its own text.

Otherwise, I see my response on the screen before I see the initial trigger. And as I said below, using a timer for the trigger alias call doesn't work because important identifiers resolve to $null.

Echoing isn't a satisfactory solution either, because the text isn't logged properly (timestamp shows up twice...).

Last edited by CitizenKane; 31/12/06 10:21 PM.