What about a sections in the options to simply change the formatting for the default text for events like QUIT, JOIN, NICK... Like if you wanted the NICK change event to be like "* $nick --> $newnick" instead of "* $nick is now known as $newnick". Each applicable remote event would have a text box in this options which would contain the text, identifiers, and whatnot that would be displayed.

I know you can just use the ^ prefix with remote scripts, and that's what I'm doing, but I just thought this might tidy things up just a little bit.

(and why did I have to switch from Firefox to IE to post this? "Firewall issue" my butt. =_=)

An example of what I'm using:
on ^*:BAN:#:{
echo -g $chan $tabTo($timestamp(4) * Ban!: $nick $+ » $+ $readini(Misc.ini,format,tabset1) $+ » $+([1,$ial($banmask,1).nick,4]) $banmask)
where $tabTo is an alias that simulates tabbing, whose character doesn't seem to be supported... =_=

Last edited by CitizenKane; 11/12/06 04:04 AM.