We have been asking for this type of thing for VERSIONS now. I think as easrly as when Khaled introduced Timestamp editability (is that a word? Ah well, it is now lol). People have asked for "nick border" changing ability, asterisk (*) changing abilities and many other things. I for one, while my mirc time is cut down drastically from before, would LOVE to see this. I too wanted to change mirc but didnt wanna run all the scripting needed to fix it. I would LOVE to see something similar to (bad ascii art to follow):
| -Themes
| |Channel
Then on the right side of it
[] Timestamp Events _____________ (enter your format)
[] Nick Borders _________________ (enter your format)
[] Event Prefix Symbol __________ (enter your format)
[] Mode Change __________________ (enter your format)
[] Nick changing ________________ (enter your format)
[] Join _________________________ (enter your format)
[] Part _________________________ (enter your format)
[] Quit _________________________ (enter your format)
etc etc etc you enter how you want it to display it. So, those lines would work kind of like this:
[x] Timestamp Events
mm/dd/yy HH:nn.ss (enter your format)
[x] Nick Borders
$nick (enter your format)
[x] Event Prefix Symbol
*** (enter your format)
[x] Mode Change New mode
$nick --> $nick(#,$nick).pnick (enter your format)
[x] Nick changing
*** $nick --> $newnick (enter your format)
This is JUST an example and I KNOW it would require some coding to say the least, but this TYPE of thing would just ROCK. The colors too would be great to use (check out the Nick changing if you didnt see it). This way we could theme our own stuff in a basic manner. YES it can be scripted, and MTS themes are out there, but I feel this type of self theming is LONG overdue