I´m stugling

Also notice that lets say 2 of those 3 users sit in same #chan.
me1 and me2 sit in #chan1
Then I hear sound when me1 type "hello"
but not when me2 type "call"

on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($chan == #[color:red]chan1[/color]) {
    if ($nick == [color:blue]me1[/color]) {
      var %string = [color:green]hello[/color]
      if (%string isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }
  elseif ($chan == #[color:red]chan1[/color]) {
    if ($nick == [color:blue]me2[/color]) {
      var %string = [color:brown]call[/color]
      if (%string isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }
  elseif ($chan == #chan2) {
    if ($nick == me3) {
      var %string = there
      if (%string isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }