Try that. You can replace the "lol" and "hi" stuff with other words. If you want it to only trigger if that is the only word, then change "lol isin $1-" to "$1- == lol" (no quotes). Also, you can change the directory locations... right now, it's locating the LOL and HELLO folders in the mIRC directory... adjust as needed.

on *:text:*:#: {
  if (lol isin $1-) {
    splay $findfile($mircdir\lol\,*.wav,$rand(1,$findfile($mircdir\lol\,*.wav,0)))
 elseif (hi isin $1-) {
    splay $findfile($mircdir\hello\,*.wav,$rand(1,$findfile($mircdir\hello\,*.wav,0)))

Note that it is set up to play the first matching sound and not any others... so, if someone typed "hi ... this is fun. lol", it will play the LOL sound, but not the HI sound (LOL is first in the script). This is why I think use $1- == lol would be easier as you wouldn't have more than one word at a time. You could take out the else in the elseif (just use if) and then it would probably queue those up and play one, then play the other... not sure that you really want that, though.

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