I was posting some days ago "WORKING CODE atleast for me;)"

This was the code:(
on *:text:*:#:{
  if ($chan == #chan1) {
    if ($nick == me1) {
      var %string = hello
      if (%string !isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }
  elseif ($chan == #chan2) {
    if ($nick == me2) {
      var %string = call
      if (%string !isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }
  elseif ($chan == #chan3) {
    if ($nick == me3) {
      var %string = there
      if (%string !isin $1-) { splay sound35kb.wav }

OK! You all had right;) It schould not contain !isin just isin.

It worked and played the sound but for wrong reason...
and I think I found why it wouldn´t play with just isin.
Those users I tested with used color in their text.
When a user have another color (other than black) it won´t play the sound.

me1 say "hello" in #chan1 = working
me1 say "hello" in chan1 = NOT working (NOTE
the purple color)

Does this sound possible? and if it does;
Is there any way to add color info?