Our server product uses IRCX (Extensions to the Internet Relay Chat Protocol, copy of protocol at http://www.ircxpro.com/protocols/ircx.txt )

IRCX is backward compatible so it doesn’t go against the "Standards" defined in RFC1459. If an IRC client does not issue /IRCX, the communication and support is pure RFC1459.

One of the features in IRCX is Unicode (multi byte) support (used by Japanese, Chinese, etc languages).

It does this by:
Unicode nicknames being prefixed with ' and UTF8 encoded.
Unicode channel being %# prefixed and the name UTF8 encoded.
Messages send within a %# channel being UTF8 encoded.

mIRC currently detects IRCX support using 005 numeric and upon detection issues the /IRCX command. This is fine but it’s too late if trying to sign-on using a Unicode nickname because /IRCX needs to be issued before attempting to use the nickname otherwise an error will be returned.

This doesn’t only affect IRCXpro, but also users connecting to a ‘Microsoft Exchange Chat’ (ECS) server.

The issue your Taiwanese customer appears to be having is as follows:
He cannot sign-on using a Unicode nickname on IRCX servers
The nickname field could benefit from being a multi-byte edit box
There’s no option to UTF8 encode the nickname specified in the nickname field

These relatively easy fixes will benefit the East Asian users of your mIRC product and may encourage growth in a non-English market.

I understand mIRC was written around the RFC1459 protocol but obviously it has already incorporated some IRCX support in respect towards detecting IRCX, /LISTX and Channel Owners. With UTF8 support recently added to mIRC, it’s so easily to add the remaining Unicode support (defined by IRCX).

This will be my last reply on this issue (/ feature request). It’s up to you guys but if you do decide to go ahead and add it, I’ll be happy to offer assistance.