
I'm the author of IRCXpro (IRCX Server). One of your users has come to us because has been experiencing difficulties using a Unicode Chinese Nickname. (Ref: )

Your IRC Client does not enter IRCX until after logon which causes a problem if trying to signon using an IRCX extended nickname (Unicode, with ' prefix) because it does not enter IRCX mode until after logon (when it detects IRCX support in 005 numeric.)

If you do not wish to detect IRCX support as defined in the IRCX protocol draft, you could simply issue an /IRCX before logon details if someone is attempting to login with a ' prefixed nickname.

Another issue is the nickname field appears to not support multibytes and no option to UTF8 encode the nickname before sending (If ' Prefixed, it will need to)

Other tips:
For %# channels, always assume UTF8 encoding/decoding takes place.
For ' prefixed nicknames, always UTF8 decode them.
