lol good lord, you have just proved my point on how OTT this color thing is viewed. It's nothing like walking in a pub and stealing/pouring your self a beer, it's not a crime, it's not anti social (If used in the correct way) and it shouldn't be treated as such.

As I said before, people should turn it off as a matter of respect, but irc is a huge community, there are lots new to it.
If someone comes into a room with a color (again not rainbow)
and start talking, they deserve a bit more than to be shouted at!

I even see non ops in the room yelling at people and calling them "nOObs" for using colors and to turn them off "NOW"

And again im not talking of people abusing the colors im talking about people who have single tone colors how have just come in the room.
Now it's one thing for an owner to say turn of the colors it's another for other people in the room "some which have only arrived like our color guest"
It's rude, let the owner explain if the room allows colors not everyone in chat shout at the guest, cos they cant be arsed to strip colors in the options in mirc.

The bottom line is if a room owner doesn't want to use colors then what he/she says goes.

What stinks is the attitude towards it and the way it's told to the person not to use colors.
That's my point, but the most of the replys are telling me what the room owner says goes, I know that, that's not in question here.

Its the "shout at nOOb" attitude of the Internet again, no wonder half of them end up wanting to learn how to hack.

Anyway I've had my rant lol, and as thought gone in one ear and out the other but hopefully someone will read this and learn either how to strip colors so its not a prob or at lest have the common courtesy how to treat others in chat.