I'm not gonna moan about people using colors on rooms I am gonna talk about people who tell people off for using color text on rooms.
On my own chat room I let people use there own color script to identify them selves and it acts as a good way too see who is who, I myself use a color script program for my color dark blue.
When I go into other people's rooms I always turn them them off out of respect, but the other night I forgot, here is what happened ....
I logged into a room to wait for someone ...Anyway, time passed and an hour later after no one has said anything I typed "wow chatty bunch tonight huh " straight after that I had
and no this was not a bot this was a real person I later had a talk with.
I think this thing of not using colors in rooms has got out of hand, It's one thing to not want people to use colors on your rooms, it's another to treat it like a crime against nature.
Especially when no one has talked for over an hour ffs.
Now that was just plane rude in my eyes but on the topic in general why do people ask for the colors to get turned off??
From what I have herd it's because, and I quote from a few people here "Most people/ops use diff color backgrounds and its hard when you have colored text on, and very much so when you have a black background set"
Now I understand this , but my argument is who is actually in the wrong here?
I use the mirc slandered of a plan white background so I can see all or most colors well, is it my fault that some guy who wants to mod his mirc to have a black background on, but cant see my text?
I am the one using a normal back with the standered colors allowed in mirc via the use of Ctrl and K or via a script, he is the one that has changed his background and finds it difficult to see my text.
I just find it amazing how this has become the norm now to immediately stamp people down who come in with colors on, it's completely daft.
Now there ARE very good reasons NOT to have colors in some rooms (such as some bots that don't respond to them etc etc) which I am sure people will point out, but it's the **altitude** I get from people which I am really on about.
Not to mention the fact you can get scripts to change the incoming text so it doesn't conflict with your color scheme if that is the reason for you asking people to turn it off.
I will leave on this note.
If it's not the case of your using a black background or even if it IS the lest you can do is this...
Rather than bite someone's head off, why don't you say "hey look im sorry but, do you mind turning the colors of in this room cos ....."
It makes you look like a complete power freak, dosn't show the chatroom in a good light, and basicly makes you look like a bit of an idiot.
Last edited by IRCNUT; 11/02/06 06:58 AM.