I'd have to disagree with the original poster, and agree with Firestarter.

The point is that it is not your channel, it belongs to someone else. If they want to make certain rules for their channel, then it's their choice. What would you say if the channel required that you type ONLY in yellow or white? When you enter an unknown channel, it's good ettiquite to not type in color until you know that it is allowed.

You could compare this to taking your shoes off before you walk around in someone else's house. That person may have no problem with you walking around tracking dirt on their carpet, but you don't know that for sure, so most people would start taking off their shoes or at least ask if they need to remove their shoes BEFORE they walk through the house. The same applies to color in new channel. You said that this person was rude because they yelled at you for using color in their channel, but I would put forth that YOU were the rude one for using colors without their permission.

You said that it wasn't your problem if someone changed their background color to something that blended with your text. Changing background color is a built-in feature of mIRC that any person can use. Your colored-text script is the non-standard element, so why should others who are using default mIRC with a different color theme have to find a script/etc to remove the colors that you have added? Going back to the shoes analogy, this would be like forcing the home owner to provide paper for you to walk on just because you have glued your shoes to your feet. If you chose to do something non-standard (gluing your shoes to your feet), then it IS your problem because they aren't going to bend over backwards to accomodate you, more likely they are just going to tell you that you can't come into their house (or their channel) until you get rid of your shoes (colors).

Personally, I consider it very distracting to have one person talking in bright colors while everyone else in the channel is talking in default colored text. I run a trivia channel, and the trivia bot uses bright colors to indicate that it is the most important member of the channel. Everyone should be focused on the trivia bot, so it tries to attract as much attention as possible. That is usually not the case in a regular channel. If the channel is moving too quickly, and you are missing messages from the person you are having a conversation with, then you and your conversation buddies should try this simple command to silence the other users:

/join #MyQuietChannel
