I know mIRC has been around for some time, however it has been seriously lacking two key things that has been availible for another plattform for over 10 years on the IRC programs they support. Audio & Video support! I know it's possible, but why has mIRC been holding back on this for so long? Am I the only one that wants this or even know it was possible?!??! Well for thoes of you out there that don't believe me, it is possible! However mIRC is still living in the stone age of IRC chats, dispite the improvments they have made. This is area has never been explored or even considered. My question is, why?? confused mad

You assume an awful lot. I wouldn't want audio nor video added to mIRC, for I feel it would lessen program as a strong 'scriptable' text chatting client. If you want audio & video programs there are plenty around, but none of those offers the strength in ability for the individual user to program the client to their needs.

Just because something 'could' happen, doesn't mean it should, nor will happen.

My personal desire would be to eliminate DCC altogether from IRC, for that's what has/is ruining what IRC was.