OK taking into consideration i forgot to add a way of calling the code .. thi sis the latest version of the code im working on.

on *:join:#:{
if $me !isop $chan goto end
if $nick == $me goto end
;For New Drone Checker
if (%CDrones1. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) || (%CDrones1.all == ON) {
unset %identonly
set %identonly $remove($gettok($gettok($address($nick,5),1,64),2,33),~)
if (%identonly == $nick) && ($left($nick,1) !isnum) && ($right($nick,-1) isnum 10-99) {
if $nick ison $chan {
.ban -ku120 # $nick 2 «Rdk©» [Auto] Network Abusive Drones Not Welcome, Please try again Tommorow.
goto end
;If the Nick didnt match the Numeric Drones then Check the Real Name by doing a /who on the nick
;set %SupNick. $+ $nick ON
;who $nick