When I look at my $address, I see: sHiFt!~sHiFt@xx.xx.xxx.x
The first $gettok (which uses 64 as separator) gives me sHiFt!~sHiFt@xx and the second $gettok (with 33) gives me ~sHiFt@xx and that doesn't look like a nick. A better way, I think, is to use $pos.

Since when did $chr(64) become a "." !?!??!?!?!?!?!!?
64 = @ getting resulting in sHiFt!~sHiFt and 33 is ! resulting in ~sHiFt which is the part he wants (I assume)

And on the original problem of why the script wont work...
set %identonly $gettok($gettok($address($nick,5),1,64),2,33)
if (%identonly == $nick) && ($left($nick,1) !isnum) && ($right($nick,-1) isnum 10-99) { 
  if $nick ison $chan { 
  .ban -ku120 # $nick 2 «Rdk©» [Auto] Network Abusive Drones Not Welcome, Please try again Tommorow.

I dont know why hes checking if the nick matches the USER (ident?) portion of the address, maybe all the real bots have this set the same as the nick?!?!?
The rest looks ok I guess i assume the real bots are x10!x10@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx to x99!x99@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx so if u dont match that you dont get kicked cause ya not a bot.

The thing I think might be causing the problem may be how hes calling this script into running, is it event driven or command line or timer ? He never showed us the method of activating.