You could try something like this perhaps?

menu channel {
  $iif($dialog(ident),$style(7)) Ident: { dialog -dmo ident ident }

dialog ident {
  title "Idents"
  size -1 -1 100 121
  option dbu
  list 1, 1 1 98 83, size sort
  button "Add", 2, 18 91 30 9
  button "Del", 3, 51 91 30 9
  button "Close", 4, 3 109 95 9

alias ident { 
  return $remove($gettok($gettok($address($1,5),2,33),1,64),~)

On @*:Join:#:{ 
  if ($ident($nick) == $read(ident.txt,w,$+(*,$nick,*))) { ban -ku120 $chan $nick 3 Ident $+($chr(2),$v1,$chr(2)) matched nickname $+($chr(2),$nick,$chr(2)) $+ . }

on 1:dialog:ident:init:*: {
  if ($exists(ident.txt)) {
    var %x = $lines(ident.txt)
    while (%x) {
      did -a ident 1 $read(ident.txt,%x)
      dec %x

on 1:dialog:ident:sclick:1: { 
  set %ident.sel $did(1,$did(1).sel)
  did -e ident 3

on 1:dialog:ident:sclick:2: {
  dialog -n ident ident
  set %ident.add $input(Enter nickname to add:,e,Add nickname)
  did -a ident 1 %ident.add
  write ident.txt %ident.add
  dialog -o ident ident

on 1:dialog:ident:sclick:3: { 
  did -d ident 1 $did(ident,1).sel 
  write -dw $+("*,%ident.sel,*") ident.txt
  did -b ident 3

on 1:dialog:ident:sclick:4: { 
  dialog -x ident ident

on 1:dialog:ident:close:*: {
  unset %ident.*

Simply so you don't have to keep using || (or) to check multiple idents it will store in a text file for you to add to it or remove entries.

Right click in a channel, select Ident. And away you are.

When a user gets banned it'd look like this.

[15:09] * Andy has joined #Andy
[15:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Andy
[15:09] * test sets mode: +b *!*andy@*
[15:09] * Andy was kicked by test (Ident andy matched your nickname Andy.)

Hope this helps.

All the best,
