I sort of whipped this on the fly and it dosent work, so if anyone has an idea of how to fix it or better code it, do let me know plz.

;For New Drone Checker
if (%CDrones1. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == ON) || (%CDrones1.all == ON) {
unset %identonly
set %identonly $gettok($gettok($address($nick,5),1,64),2,33)
if (%identonly == $nick) && ($left($nick,1) !isnum) && ($right($nick,-1) isnum 10-99) {
if $nick ison $chan {
.ban -ku120 # $nick 2 «Rdk©» [Auto] Network Abusive Drones Not Welcome, Please try again Tommorow.
goto end
;If the Nick didnt match the Numeric Drones then Check the Real Name by doing a /who on the nick
;set %SupNick. $+ $nick ON
;who $nick