Ok thx again ..
the red part - works great smile
The blue part - it seems that it that it only like's 1 esle in there , i dont now i have no clue smile... but i i'n useing most of it ..
and the green part dont like to work...
thx very much i'll keep playing around with it ...
thx again...
this is what i have:

on *:NOTICE:!rob *:?: {
if (($nick !ison #Battle) || ($2 !ison #Battle)) {
; $nick or $2 isn't on #battle, so do nothing
if (%rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
msg $nick You Have Already Robbed Someone Within 5 mins!
if (%away [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
msg $nick You're away, no robbing when you're away!
if (%away [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) {
msg $nick $2 is away, you cannot rob someone who is away!
if (%money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] < 1000) {
msg $nick $2 hasn't got enough money.
if (%rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) && ($2 ison #) && (%account [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) {
msg $chan $nick Attempts To Rob $2
if ($rand(0,99) < 20) {
var %tthier-money = $round($calc(%money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] / 2),0)
msg $chan $nick SuccessFully Robs $2
msg $chan $nick Has Robbed $2 by %tthier-money Money From $2
inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %tthier-money
dec %money [ $+ [ $2 ] ] %tthier-money
else msg $chan $nick Has Failed To Rob $2 !
set -u300 %rob [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on

..wont work with the notice part ...
when i put all that you made it works ..
but can !rob all the time and some it just says

- Attempts To Rob God

and thats it it stops..
Its kool you did great .. i'm trying to make it work ..
thx again