OK thx , I have not tried it yet but i will ..
Also this Script which is a game has a - !away !back - part to it i was not sure i you needed it , sorry.
I seem to think it will work from this part within the script.
The - !away !back - part:
on *:text:!Away:#Battle: {
if (%away [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) {
msg $nick You Are Already set As Away!
else {
msg $nick You Are Now Away!!
set %away [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on
on *:text:!Back:#Battle: {
if (%away [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) {
msg $nick Your Trying To Get back from what?!?!? Your Already Back
else {
msg $nick You Are Now Set To Back
unset %away [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
Also when you try to - !fight - someone in the game who's NIC is set to - !away - you cant which is good

It tells you that you cant - !fight - that nic..
I seem to think that is needs to be change to help with not bein able to - !rob - someone when - !away -
on *:text:!fight*:#Battle: {
if (%account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != on) { msg $nick You Have NO Account | halt }
if (%account [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != on) { msg $nick $2 Has No Account | halt }
if (%away [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) { msg $nick You Are Away You Cannot Battle! | halt }
if (%away [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) { msg $nick $2 Is Away You cannot Battle | halt }
if (%battle == on) { msg $nick Sorry A Battle Is Already on! | halt }
if (%account [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) && (%account [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == on) {
if ($2 ison #) && (%battle != on) {
set %turner $rand(1,2)
if (%turner == 1) {
set %turn $nick
if (%turner == 2) {
set %turn $2
Thx so much for your time and help here ...