Now this is the issue and keep it mind this is especially an issue when loading dlls...

Ok i go to load a dll (note i use nicklsut as an example)
/dll $findfile($mircdir,nicklust3.dll,1).shortfn) SetColor bkg $rgb(0,0,0) $rgb(255,255,255)

That little command loads this dll if u pull it up in $dll(n)

HOWEVER here is the bug if while u have that loaded based on shortnf say you just type in
/dll nicklust3.dll SetColor bkg $rgb(0,0,0) $rgb(255,255,255)

then this shows up in the $dll(n)
C:\Program Files\mIRC\nickLUST3.dll
Now this presents a problem for if someone does both those cmds say with a $dll-nicklsut alias or something for the first one that returns the shortfn path to the dll then manually types in nicklust3.dll at a later time then this happens

DLL's Loaded - 2
DLL 1 - C:\Program Files\mIRC\nickLUST3.dll

And now your mIRC has 2 copies of the same dll loaded... so it calls the shortnf one if u use the shortfn path and the regular one if u just use the dll or name or "c:\path to\dll.dll" so if a dll like nicklust marks a window only one copy of the dll will have it marked throwing errors and just plain out causeing mass confusion....

hmmm signed by me