<08:14> 12<14,1@0kelly12>0 your prob a geeky virgin <08:16> 12<14,1@0reals12>0 MY SCOOTER IS OUT OF FUCKIN GAS <08:16> 12<14,1@0reals12>0 IM WHACKIN OF TO YOU KELLY <08:16> <@reals> MY GLASSES ARE FALLING OFF
<08:18> 12<14,1@0reals12>0 kelly <08:18> <@reals> you want me <08:18> <@reals> to pop your <08:18> <@reals> fuckin cherry
<@AdmButterfree> Chuck enough <Chuck> it's not enough. your kids want you to take care of them. they want you to go on vacations with them, play fetch with lassie, and learn to ride their bike. <Chuck> there are professional help lines <Chuck> its not to late
<08:12> <flu1d> my mom says im cool <08:12> <@HiGhOnLiFe> My mom says i have a big dick. <08:12> 12<14,1@0HiGhOnLiFe12>0 It's scary. =\ <08:13> <@HiGhOnLiFe> And when she masturbates she screams my name.
<Goomba|S1ck> The Lord sees everything... <Goomba|S1ck> But can he see why kids like Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
<shigelojoe> I played poker with tarot cards once <shigelojoe> I got a full house and three people died.
<07:09> 12<0,1The_Witch_King12>0 whats cyber <07:10> 12<0,1Amber12>0 What I'm doing in pm with Justin = Cyber <07:10> 12<0,1Nenya12>0 What is this cyber? <07:10> 12<0,1Nenya12>0 I hear alot about it <07:11> 12<0,1Nenya12>0 Is it some sort of....game or something?
3*** PojoBot (*!*service@conference.room) has joined #pokemoncrater <06:12> 12<14,1@0TheGame12>0 erm whoops
<Reneg[a]de> Where do you work? <07:49> 12<14,1@0krayfesh12>0 after shcool care thing <07:49> 12<14,1@0krayfesh12>0 i play gcn and tell kids to stfu <07:50> 12<14,1@0Vince12>0 if you replace gcn with irc, you get adm <07:50> 12<14,1@0Vince12>0 "my sister got zlined at daycare cause she woke up at nap time"
0 AdmButterfree» damn it my kid wont leave me alone
0<Jon> i play wif my mom sumtimes
0<@Chuck> "Mom Mom Mom dad's hurt!! *Breaks Beer Bottle over Desk* [censored] YOU! THATS HIS FAULT FOR EVADING MY Z-LINE"
<08:58> 12<0,1Jon||Idle12>0 I thought I saw a leprachaun once <08:58> 12<0,1Jon||Idle12>0 but it was just reals
* magcargo runs around the room and erupts
<01:14> 12<14,1%0high[a]12>0 LETS HAVE SEX <01:16> 12<14,1%0Christina12>0 I do that a lot. <01:16> 12<14,1%0Christina12>0 And I dunno why.
0<Jellodude> [06:34] * You were kicked by Cleetus (Mutiny against the channel by joining #loozers. [ Sissyloo's orders / Dec. 15, 2003 / Perm ])
<07:28> 12<14,1@0SyNiX12>0 gonna do some raping later at night
<Mew> So... is your sister hot <08:09> 12<14,1@0SyNiX12>0 yeh
<04:37> 12<14,1@0Mew12>0 Claire have you ever cybered on IRC? <04:37> 12<0,1Sakura_Yashikura12>0 er.. <04:37> 12<0,1Sakura_Yashikura12>0 yes?
-Dani:%#ppt- you can totally tell Lezlie` is a guy... <11:03> 12<14,1%+0Mew12>0 Lezlie is a guy <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 so what's wrong with being a guy? <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 this whole tiem <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 i've had to act like a girl <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 and be all cute and giggly <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 but i'm really a guy <11:04> 12<14,1+0Lezlie`12>0 and i LIKE GUYS
0<05:09> 12<14,1@0IRChatMew12>0 Naked pics christ? <05:09> 12<14,1@0Christina12>0 For real. <05:09> 12<14,1@0IRChatMew12>0 4 real? <05:09> 12<14,1@0Christina12>0 Not no more.
* Sean\sleep is now known as Sean * Sean back after 9hrs 11mins 29secs
<07:49:58> 12<0,1Croc12>0 rofl dude I was at my relatives

<07:50:11> 12<0,1Croc12>0 and my cousin was like "no my bfs name is mike" <07:50:19> 12<0,1Croc12>0 other cousin: isnt your dads name mike?
<03:07:49> 12<0,1CASAO12>0 now, let's see if it'll stick this time * Peach has quit IRC (Ping timeout) <03:08:08> 12<0,1James12>0 didn't stick for her

<01:37:32> 12<14,1@0SyNiX12>0 i was gonna do the thing with angie but like she had to go sleep
<02:52:01> 12<14,1@0Jon12>0 icey milk makes my boobs grow <02:53:51> 12<14,1%0SSgirl12>0 I use to drink a lot of milk when I was younger -.- <02:54:11> 12<14,1@0Mew12>0 you must be like <02:54:16> 12<14,1@0Mew12>0 size d <02:54:35> 12<14,1%0SSgirl12>0 more like C ._.
<10:58:28> 12<0,1Quatre-Winner12>0 Are you Obessed with the Penis? <10:58:29> 12<14,1%0SSgirl12>0 yes?
<11:24:08> 12<14,1%0SSgirl12>0 what's a fake? ;/ <11:24:11> 12<14,1@0Mew12>0 your tits <11:24:18> 12<14,1%0SSgirl12>0 so?
<01:15:21> 12<14,1@0Angie12>0 Touch me <01:15:21> 12<14,1@0Angie12>0 plz
<05:42:57> 12<14,1@0Jon12>0 know what i realized :[ <05:43:15> 12<14,1@0Jon12>0 danielle is to mew as blair is to martin <05:43:25> 12<14,1@0Mew|[Hrt]Danielle[Hrt]12>0 What do you call those things Jon? <05:43:33> 12<14,1@0Jon12>0 sad souls?
<05:48:29> 12<14,1@0Vince12>0 mew keeps talking about these girls as if he liked them <05:48:37> 12<14,1@0Vince12>0 when in reality he is really homosexual
<10:23:49> 12<14,1@0adam12>0 pooka is a female?
<12:42:21> 12<0,1Sasha12>0 i don't know where my balls have gone <12:43:00> 12<0,1Sasha12>0 my sister prolly took them
[07:10:05] 14,01(00,010,1own14,01)00,01 sure wish i had enough status to kick prodigy * Prod1gy was kicked by own (A pity you have to leave so early 12‹212›) [07:10:20] 14,01(00,010,1Prod1gy14,01)00,01 i wish i can get salvery back
[10:57:41] 14,01(12,01@0,1Trake14,01)00,01 I wouldn't pay $5 to take over Creative. [10:57:55] 14,01(14,01%0,1Vince14,01)00,01 I wouldnt pay $5 for motls mom either
[11:36:11] 14,01(10,1@0,1Mew14,01) 00,01Fubu is a nice clothing brand [11:36:26] 14,01(00,010,1TheRaven14,01)00,01 for niggers by niggers [11:37:12] 14,01(12,01@0,1jon\idle14,01)00,01 "we designed this special pocket for quick use of your switchblade"
[02:17:46] 14,01(12,01@0,1SaiyaN-Gogeta14,01)00,01 since u guys said Donkey [02:17:50] 14,01(12,01@0,1SaiyaN-Gogeta14,01)00,01 is it a boy or a girl [02:17:52] 14,01(12,01@0,1Trake14,01)00,01 girl [02:18:19] 14,01(12,01@0,1SaiyaN-Gogeta14,01)00,01 she must be ass ugly to call herself Donkey
[07:37:22] 14,01(00,010,1Rudra14,01)00,01 Closing Link: Rudra[wiley-172-2662.roadrunner.nf.net] (User is permanently banned (IRCops isn't very bright.)) [07:37:30] 14,01(00,010,1Rudra14,01)00,01 Hydra can't make a sentence. [07:37:57] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon14,01)00,01 he cant make a friend either
[11:51:43] 14,01(12,01@0,1FunKee14,01)00,01 Michael is awesome [11:52:00] 14,01(10,1@0,1Mew14,01) 00,01But he's got a penis problem [11:52:22] 14,01(00,010,1Jon14,01)00,01 is it falling off like his nose?
* Kick : Mew^brb-cleaning kicked Nicholas -- YO CHRISTINA... KEEP SUCKIN THAT DICK ;-) [@Jon] wat dik [@Mew^brb-cleaning] Trake's dick, Jon. [@Mew^brb-cleaning] I dunno if he ''has one'' [@Jon] dont you mean [@Jon] "I dunno if "he" has one" (@Jon) Im sure he "has one" [05:15:58] (@Jon) up his ass
[08:34:56] 14,01(00,010,1TheRaven14,01)00,01 rofl this is chrissy? ;/ [08:35:02] 14,01(00,010,1TheRaven14,01)00,01 i thought it was like a 10 year old boy
[10:07:41] 14,01(12,01@0,1inco][sleep14,01)00,01 hey wanna hear somehting gross as [censored] [10:07:49] 14,01(12,01@0,1inco][sleep14,01)00,01 i go out in the hallway to go to the bathroom [10:07:53] 14,01(12,01@0,1inco][sleep14,01)00,01 my parents door is open [10:08:04] 14,01(12,01@0,1inco][sleep14,01)00,01 my mom is giving my dad a blowjob
[06:25:09] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon14,01)00,01 my little brother used XD [06:25:20] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon14,01)00,01 and i like wantewd to beat him up

[06:25:25] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon14,01)00,01 and called him gay [06:25:59] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon14,01)00,01 then i explained why its so bad

[06:31:19] 14,01(12,01@0,1Veachian6414,01)00,01 I don't want to have daughters. I'd hate to look at my 16 year old daughter and think to myself "Damn she has perky tits and a tight ass" [06:31:31] 14,01(12,01@0,1Veachian6414,01)00,01 "If I was younger and not her father, I would hit that [censored]." [06:32:01] 14,01(12,01@0,1Veachian6414,01)00,01 you know what they say, blood is thicker than semen
[01:00:34] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon||away14,01)00,01 you know whos a good rapper? [01:00:39] 14,01(10,1@0,1Mew14,01) 00,01WHO [01:00:44] 14,01(12,01@0,1Jon||away14,01)00,01 Chrissy
[07:47:53] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 i was jacking off [07:48:02] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 i mean fixing my pants [07:48:06] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 and my dad saw me [07:48:15] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 and he was like "having fun fixing your pants?" [07:48:18] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 and i was like [07:48:20] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 "no" [07:48:23] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 and he was like [07:48:25] 14,01(00,010,1mouse14,01)00,01 "let me help"
[12:25:35] 14,01(15,01+0,1Melkor14,01)00,01 why does the French navy have glass bottom boats? [12:25:46] 14,01(15,01+0,1Melkor14,01)00,01 to see the old french navy ;[
<SluttyCowgirlerin> [AMSG] WILL S3X0R FOR $$$ 0,1<SluttyCowgirlerin> [AMSG] OR FREE 0,1<Rain> Christina?
[07:29:21] 14,01(00,010,1Dodi^White14,01)00,01 This is the nick I used [07:29:25] 14,01(00,010,1Dodi^White14,01)00,01 to harass adm [07:29:31] 14,01(00,010,1Dodi^White14,01)00,01 Her real name [07:29:33] 14,01(00,010,1Dodi^White14,01)00,01 Is Dodi White. [07:29:39] 14,01(00,010,1Vince14,01)00,01 almost like didlo
[09:08:43] 14,01(00,010,1reals14,01)00,01 is that an N mew? [09:09:03] 14,01(00,010,1Croc14,01)00,01 N is for nigger [09:09:15] 14,01(00,010,1Croc14,01)00,01 I learned that from that animal alphabet show
[07:42:03] 14,01(15,01+0,1DrDan14,01)00,01 nigger nigger on the wall [07:42:13] 14,01(15,01+0,1DrDan14,01)00,01 nigger nigger line them up watch them fall
[07:10:46] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 DAMNIT [07:10:47] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 MY MOM [07:10:50] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 JUST SAW MY PASSWORD [07:10:59] 14,01(12,01@0,1yb[out]14,01)00,01 password for what? [07:11:05] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 irc [07:11:11] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 he's a big haxor [07:11:15] 14,01(14,01%0,1compLex14,01)00,01 she's*
0,1<Tattoo\NotHere> Why did I get op? 0,1<Tattoo\NotHere> I wasn't that good a hop.. 0,1<Tattoo\NotHere> Not that i'm complaining.. 0,1<TheGame> well put it this way 0,1<TheGame> i wasnt expecting u to suck my **** for it :/
[06:47:27] 14,01(00,010,1compLex14,01)00,01 Peach. [06:47:30] 14,01(00,010,1compLex14,01)00,01 Sex me up baby. [06:47:54] 14,01(12,01@0,1Peach14,01)00,01 What's your level?
0,1·10:29 PM· (›@ Chaos‹) Then the clit got pretty hard, I didn't know what to do with it, so I just tried to suck on it like a dick ·10:29 PM· (›@ Peach‹) lmao you would know ·10:29 PM· (›@ Chaos‹) Then I remembered Peach's lessons and took the clit into my mouth and licked rapidly
[10:30:23] (Scarface) i heard a rumor [10:30:26] (Scarface) about you [10:30:55] (Scarface) i heard you have stretch marks on her ass ;x [10:39:24] (@Peach) That's why you guys haven't got any... Oo
[10:34:25] (@Jon) my dad answered the phone [10:34:27] (@Jon) and said [10:34:32] (@Jon) "sorry im not home" [10:34:40] (@Jon) and hung up
<zetec> I don't think it's physically possible to both laugh and ejaculate at the same time. <zetec> But I plan on finding out. * zetec is away - midget porn.
* Mazca just had a singularly scary experience there... <Ephialtes> what happened Max? <Mazca> I was just feeling sorry for myself and pissed off about not having a girlfriend, and wondering what I should do to sort my life out... <Mazca> then my iTunes, AT THAT EXACT MOMENT, started playing "Gay Bar".
<Mew> News: Croc does not like girls (09:38:25pm) (@Jon) since when (09:38:38pm) (@Mew) since you were born nigga (09:38:39pm) (@Mew) dont trip, boo (09:38:47pm) (@Jon) im not your boo (09:39:02pm) (@Mew) i was jus frontin' (09:39:06pm) (@Jon) go find another shawty
(05:45:12pm) (Croc) why wont this little leave the room so i can do stuff (05:45:18pm) (Croc) +nigger (05:45:29pm) (@Mew) Where are you at? (05:45:53pm) (Croc) hotel (05:46:09pm) (@Mew) So how is this "nigger" in your hotel? (05:46:24pm) (Croc) well technically hes my sibling (05:46:36pm) (Croc) but hes on the same lv as niggers
Sorry that I had to paste all those, but those are my quotes.
When I load the quotes using :
alias loadquote {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= $lines(Quotes.txt)) {
did -a Quote 1 $strip($read(quotes.txt,%i))
inc %i
It loads up to:
[12:25:35] 14,01(15,01+0,1Melkor14,01)00,01 why does the French navy have glass bottom boats? [12:25:46] 14,01(15,01+0,1Melkor14,01)00,01 to see the old french navy ;[
And doesnt do the add of the quotes...?
Why is this happening?