if i have edited the raw responses for the /whois however on join of #mychannel i wish to perform a /whois and have it echo to tht channel i can get it to work but it doubles up and sends 2 raw responses i moved the on : join script to the top of the list and it still doesnt halt the other script ? is there a way to use [] or $eval or something to contain it to just that script ?
wait tho if i use the &prefix then it halts the second one completly what i want is to include the raw responses from the on join event only within that event ?
ok the basic problem as far as i can tell is that the first raw within the join script gets an error however ? all of the info is returned on the whois .
on 1:join:#channel: {
set %whatever $nick
RAW 307:*: /echo #channel 12 $+ $2 $+ : 04 $+ $3- | halt
RAW 311:*: /echo #channel 12Nick:04 $+ $2 $+ | /echo #channel 12Username:04 $+ $3 12Address:04 $+ $4 12Real Name:04 $+ $6- | halt
RAW 312:*: /echo #channel 12Server:04 $+ $3 | halt
RAW 317:*: /echo #channel 12Idle:04 $+ $duration($3) 12Signed On:04 $+ $time($4,ddd-mmm-dd @ hh:nntt) | halt
RAW 319:*: /echo #channel 12Channels:04 $+ $3- | halt
basically i made an alias for the whois because i thought perhaps that would help but it seems to work ok but i get an error on the RAW 307 each time but yet the info is still there ?
You can't have events inside events. Something like this
on !*:join:#chan:{
set -u99 $+(%,$cid,whois.,$nick) $chan
whois $nick
raw NNN:*:{
if $($+(%,$cid,whois.,$2),2) { echo -itc whois $ifmatch blahblah }
else echo -sitc whois blahblah
raw 318:*:{
unset $+(%,$cid,whois.,$2)
There isn't a need for two sets of raw events. In that example when you do whois from onjoin $+(%,$cid,whois.,$nick) is set to the channel. Then if the $+(%,$cid,whois.,$nick) variable is set, the replies will be sent to the channel, if it isn't set it echoes to status.