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whiskey Offline OP
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Bowl of petunias
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I seem to be getting disconnected alot with 6.03

(in status window)

* [10053] Software caused connection abort

Can anyone tell me what might be causing this?

I'm on cable and no other services or apps are dropping connect.
I have these running almost always, (icq, ftp, usenet download, radmin and email [15 min interval]]


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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How often does it happen and how long has it happened for? It usually just means that your connection has failed for some reason.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This thread might help. smile

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Alright, I had posted this under "Connection Issues" but here is likely more fitting...

Winsock error 10053 occurs randomly under Windows XP Professional when using mIRC version 6.x.

Other than that it happens at least once per day, it seems completely random (sometimes it stays connected for 10 minutes, sometimes 15 hours).

I have tried using versions 6.01, 6.02, and 6.03, and each have the same problem. I tried running it on different computers running Windows XP Professional, and the same problems occurs on all of these computers. I have asked a few of my friends if they have the same problem, and they do. Using a different server or a different network does not affect the problem.

The problem DOES NOT occur with mIRC version 5.9 on Windows XP Professional. The problem DOES NOT occur with mIRC version 6.x on Windows 98.

One more note - this error occurs both with and without XP service pack 1 installed.

Last edited by ParaBrat; 20/04/03 10:19 PM.
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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One more note - this error occurs both with and without XP service pack 1 installed.

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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[censored] happens.. the NetGamers connection seems to stay stable, on the rest the last error was a 10053

XP pro, sp1
AMD Thunderbird, 807MHz, 256KB
256mb ram
D-Link DFE-530TX+ to a D-Link DI-707 dsl router
mIRC 6.03

$uptime(system,1) - 1wk 4days 8hrs 58mins 10secs
$uptime(mirc,1) - 1wk 4days 8hrs 57mins 19secs
$uptime(server,1) loop:
NetGamers: 5days 20hrs 44mins 20secs
QuakeNet: 2days 13hrs 14mins 8secs
Justirc: 2days 13hrs 25mins 3secs
irc-chat: 17hrs 55mins 28secs
IrcWorld: 3days 17hrs 7mins 55secs

evil is in the eye of the beholder
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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"* [10053] Software caused connection abort"

Doesn't this mean the *Server* software? Because, I almost always receive this error, in mIRC, when shutting down the wIRCD that I am connected to.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i seem to get that same message but it could also be something thats on my computer cause when i run Kazaa it does that to me alot but it always reconnects me...

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Post by ParaBrat: "I dont have a why for you, but i can tell you i know some ppl using XP pro who say they only get that happening when they use the firewall and on certain servers."

Disabling the XP firewall seems to have ended the problem for me.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Ok, i been reading these posts about the "[10053] Software caused connection abort" problem

all i want to say is that i get the same error, i run winxp pro and mirc V6.03, i never had any problems with any other version of mirc or windows installed on my computer, come to think of it, i never had this problem when i had windows me and mirc V6.03 installed.

It seems to me that its actually a "breathe in" windows xp pro problem "breathe out" that micro$oft need to fix and not an issue with mirc (correct me if im wrong)

I have disabled windows xp firewall (who knows what ports micro$oft have secretly left opened) and so i use a different software firewall, which has never given me any problems, with any other windows OS installed or mirc versions.


ps: i havent had the error much these past few months, i think i`ve had the error a total of 4 times and i just get on with my life afterwards

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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The only time I ever get/got this error was when I was using a dial-up connection, and someone picked up the phone, or if I closed/disconnected with the dial-up connect dialog BEFORE disconnecting from the server in mIRC, I assumed that this (connect dialog) was the software that d/c me. hope this sheds some light on your situation. This went or any/all OS's, mIRC versions, servers, networks, or scripts, that I might have been using/trying/testing. now I'm on cable and have never seen the error since. Cheers!

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whiskey Offline OP
Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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ok, I've read all the replies and nothing is helping me troubleshoot this problem.
I didnt give much in way of specifics in my first post but I will now.

win2k pro w/sp3
Intel P3 933mhz
392mb pc150 sdram
7200 rpm 45gb ibm hd
gf2 ti 64mb
linkys 10/100 nic
sblive platinum
linksys 4 port router
charterpipline 768/128 "silver" cablemodem service

I'm still getting * [10053] Software caused connection abort errors dozens of times per day.
More often than not it wont even attempt to reconnect.
As I said before, I have icq, usenet (bnr) and ftp (flashfxp) up and downloads going 24/7.
NOTHING else is dropping connection but mirc.
I've started running xchat irc client and its doesnt drop.

What gives gurus?


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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is it possible...that your cable provider is disconnecting you? because i have cox digital internet and everyday at least once they disconnect my services for 10 minutes to an hour I have calle on the matter an they say that they are upgrading their systems..and when im on IRC i get that message sometimes ill get it with Kazaa but could it be possible that your provider may be upgrading? Its just a thought...

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I have been reading these messages for over an hour now, trying to find the solution to the problem you are talking about. The reason I spent so much time doing so is because I have the same problem. The answer to the problem IS NOT IN THE ANSWER YOU *PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW* ARE TELLING YOU. The answer is they dont know. Because I have looked and looked, and there is a lame little description of what the disconnect 10053 Software caused connection abort. And it tells you nothing about how to fix it, nothing about what it is, and nothing about why it is happening. This message board is useless if you people are going to keep sending people to some stupid little 2 line analogy for what is happening. If you dont know, just say that. Dont send me to that same damn page again, please.

Here is a rundown on what I have found:

I have having the disconnect problem randomly but also everytime I DCC send someone (or chat for that matter). This only happens on 1 network. Why just 1? I can send on Efnet, but not Dalnet. I used Ethereal to look into what was being transmitted from my computer and found that a ping was being sent (with the initial ctcp) that was aimed at IP - A local, non-existant IP address. All the settings I have in mIRC are correct. I have checked them, and they are correct. I have also started a blank mIRC client, with no additional scripts, and had the same issue.

I have DSL, with a 2-wire Router (Latest Firmware) - Also, have tried with DMZ, all ports, and with just specific open.
P4-2.66mhz - Win XP Pro.

This is not my ISP. This has worked before, but only suddenly started happening to me. Please someone give out some valuable information. Don't tell me to click here to read about a phone call. Please. If the problem is listed WITH A SOLUTION then, let me know where to look please.

Discouraged & Humored by MessageBoard

<insert my nickname here> <--- DO IT! confused

I urge anyone who is as discourraged as I am to respond to show how pointless these replies are.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Well ok heres something useful.....get ready write it down
you said and i quote:

I have having the disconnect problem randomly but also everytime I DCC send someone (or chat for that matter). This only happens on 1 network. Why just 1? I can send on Efnet, but not Dalnet.

Now i'm assuming that you know what the deal is with DALnet....Now onto the other part...

I dont know if you know this or not but some of those little 2 liners do contain useful information depending on whats being posted....and as far as this thread goes we here are trying to give out suggestions of any possible causes that the original poster has posted...If you have any suggestions that are right on the money on this problem and are helpful why not just share it rather than bitch about how people are giving out useless information....

Anyways this is just a suggestion rather than a smartass reply...

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well at least I got a reply. Yes I am very aware of Dalnets issues. There are plenty of other people I know on dalnet who have no problem like this. So it is a stretch for me to assume it is them. I know they are getting attacked, but this really (and even you should agree) shouldnt even matter. The fact that it happens on random servers is normal for this problem, but a DCC has only the slighest bit of conversation with the server. Doing more tracking in Ethereal (an excellent Packet Tracker) I have found that it is sending the send file message to the wrong ip address. Now, a real one it seems, however this is not the IP or the DNS IP or the WHOIS IP of the person I was sending to. The IP has no relation as far as I have been able to tell.

I appreciate your response, and I am sure the '2 liners' do help with some problems, but about 30 threads sent me there to read - Johnny picks up the phone, Nobody's there! Opps dial-tone. Well I can just figure how a disconnect works.

Thanks for you Help - I am a loyal mIRC user.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ever thought that maybe ur trying to send a file that thye server is blocking??? ...... i know its a stretch but hey i dont know what else to say if u can dcc in one network but not another ..... the only logical solution is the server is blocking u in some way ........ also if your pc is only resolving an ip to a local port on ur machine to send thru then uve got a dns issue ...... how are u set to resolve stuff thru???? another possible scenario ..... i dont have a right on target for ur question but those are the best suggestions or ideas i can think of

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I appreciate the help, any I can get. Umm, no the file isnt blocked, I have tried several types, mp3, avi, txt. Also, DNS. This is what I figure would be the problem. I have no special settings for DNS. Windows has them set to auto detect, and mIRC has always done fine. When in IRC, both the settings for local computer (settings/local?) match the resolved host the servers are recieving. So basically my whole host is shown, and my IP can be resolved. I also have opened ports 1050-1100 on my router for DCC sends, and set them in the DCC settings. Port 59 for DNS, and 113 for Ident are also open. I know of a DNS Server I can use, however using autodetect has never caused problems before. It appears that IRC successfully determines my IP and theirs, however it sends from my correct IP to their INCORRECT IP.


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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The reason that you have been sent half way around these boards is because as you say, people don't know the answer to the question. That's because there is no single correct answer to it. There were similar posts on the old board, some people attributed it to XP (like myself, I only EVER saw that disconnect message when I used XP, and now I'm back on WinMe and haven't seen it since), others attributed it to routers, etc etc. The point is, when people are trying to help, they are going from their own experiences with this problem. All you can do is solve it by trial and error. Yes, a lot of people who post on these boards are mIRC experts - but nobody can be expected to know the answer to a problem that may or may not be a mIRC bug.

Last edited by Poppy; 24/01/03 05:56 PM.

Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I have the same problem, but only when I'm running something CPU intensive on the foreground. It is definitely a mIRC problem, possibly in co-operation with a new WinXP 'feature' smile

Personally what I think is happening is that mIRC is using an idle priority thread to maintain it's connection to the server (like responding to the pings with pongs) and that the thread is being 'starved'.

The odd thing is that it doesn't ALWAYS happen. Usually I can play my game fine and stay connected, but sometimes it has a bad day and I hear disconnect/connect dings every 5 minutes while playing. Usually it fixes itself if I just restart mIRC, but it's still annoying.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I agree and understand. However every message that said it was an answer sent to the same place. I just want people to know that is not really an answer for all people.

I have since solved my problem. I tried many different things to make it work, and when it finally did, I am not totally sure what made it work. All I know is I tried to install mIRC v5.91 over the 6.03 and run it, because from what I have read here the problem is v6+ related. However, under 5.91 I still had the same problem. I in turn deleted all *mirc*.exe files in my root mirc directory (usually c:\program files\mirc) and re-installed version 6.03 into the same directory. I also installed the 2 new critical updates for Windows XP Pro which were released earlier this week and rebooted. After resarting and connecting the problem was solved. I am sorry I couldnt at least be more specific. Because I had re-installed ver 6.03 OVER (not totally deleting the old files first) and it did not work. But re-installing with save old settings returned my mIRC client to its previous 'glory'.

If you have similar problems, let me know I will do my best to help. I looked into this error for days, and best I can tell it is related to a DNS issue under windows XP. However, the case it is just a bug, so sometimes it works and sometimes not.

Thanks for all the help I did recieve. I didnt mean to be rude, I just want people to be able to find the correct answer as easily as possiable. I tried #Help rooms, and #mIRC rooms with no success, in the end it was just fiddling around that was a solution.

Have a happy IRC day.

#Darvocet (DALnet)

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Glad you solved the problem - now next time someone posts the question, we can direct them to this thread! smile

Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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LOL and let the game of "message board hot potato" Begin yet again LOL

To jlowe: Glad ya solved your problem ive already noted this thread for future reference

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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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Just restarting mIRC usually fixes it for me, temporarely.. And it can't be DNS related, nameservers have nothing to do with this wink

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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wonder why this would only happen to you when you are "running something CPU intensive on the foreground" and how mIRC could be the cause. Be interesting to know if some of the many other ppl with this problem have the same condition to its happening, altho i know many dont.

If its a mIRC problem, then why do many users say that they only have this problem when the xp firewall is enabled or only on certain servers and others say they have never had it? And i know for sure that it happens to some ppl when they are quite actively chatting in mIRC. You said it has an occasional "bad day" and i cant help but wonder if those bad days are only when you are on certain servers.

As Poppy said, lots of xp users have reported this, but not all have it. When something doesnt happen to ALL users ALL the time, by its very inconsistancy its hard to track down. People reporting specifics that are consistant helps do that. So far about the only sort of constant is those who say if they disable the firewall and stay off certain servers, it stops and even that doesnt apply to everyone.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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The reason you saw so many posts referring ppl to the IRC Errors thread is because, sadly, many ppl dont take the time you obviously did to do a search. If ppl took the time to do a search, we wouldnt have to tell 50 diff ppl the same thing.
The "stupid little 2 line analogy" you object to was written that way so the less technically oriented user could read a simple explanation with links to urls to read more details should they wish to. We found simply referring users to pages like here seemed to be of little help to many users.

"The answer to the problem IS NOT IN THE ANSWER YOU *PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW* ARE TELLING YOU. The answer is they dont know."
well, as the user on this thread quoted me as saying, I dont have a why. Pretty much looks like i said i dont know and could only report what others have found helped. And if you read the other posts on this issue, i know you saw that, and what others have tried/found, ie disabling firewall, changing servers, updating firmware, removing speed patches. I disagree with you that ppl reporting what they have found worked/didnt work are "pointless replies", altho i do agree that having to say the same thing over and over is annoying, as annoying im sure as it is to read over and over by those who do a search.

Your report that you can send on EFnet without any problem, but cant on DALnet is one i dont recall seeing before. Hopefully others will report if they find the same thing. But i do know this is happening to some ppl regardless of network. Understand that by its very inconsistancy, this problem isnt easy to track down. As you yourself said, it isnt consistant for you in various ways either.

Your comments about what you found regarding ips i also dont remember anyone reporting. Oddly enuf, the is BLACKHOLE-1.IANA.ORG, "This block is reserved for special purposes. Please see RFC 1918 for additional information." Altho this article relates to errors in win2k, you may find it of interest: MS support article re the other ip you mentioned, was the person you were sending to on one of the various verizon dsls? And i assume both of these happened on DALnet? Before or since the attacks? Could other ppl could send to that user all right? Can you pin down any changes that occurred about the same time this started to happen to you?

I realize i am more asking questions than giving you the specific answer you want, but the problem is there isnt one i can give. There is some speculation that the cause is the change of the default MTU from 1,492 to 1,500 in Win2K and after, but again we are back to the blackhole detection issue and as it relates to win2k. (Yes, i know you have XP, but i mention it only due to what i said above so please dont start yelling at me for talking about 2k when you have XP..hrm, i wonder if it was on the recieving persons end rather than yours)

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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*sigh* /me smacks her browser for not showing the latest posts until AFTER i typed the one i just did to you.

i'm glad you resolved the problem! Do you by any chance remember what those two critical updates were for?

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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To jlowe420:

That's it???? After all that ranting and raving about, and I quote:


The answer to the problem IS NOT IN THE ANSWER YOU *PEOPLE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW* ARE TELLING YOU. The answer is they dont know.

So, smart one, according to you (and I am not disputing this statement because I have not yet tested it for myself), deleting mirc*.exe and reinstalling the binary back into the same directory solves the problem. That's very nice, and, if true, I applaud you in your troubleshooting efforts and will also put them into effect myself, since I still suffer from the 10053 problem.

However, o bright and brilliant star of wisdom, you have not told us what the problem really is. You bitched and moaned about the analogy, yet no pearls of wisdom seem to be forthcoming from your general direction. What is the problem?

I already know, so don't bother to "go there", that it is a Windows Sockets (WinSock) API error; I also know that that particular error message has to do with the returned error codes from somewhere off the localhost, like the infamous 10054 Connection reset by peer that the server generates, but client-side. Both 10053 and 10054 mean that the socket has simply gone bad or become invalid in some way, according to the code that I have taken the time to read and which you obviously haven't bothered to. Had you done so, you certainly wouldn't have been so insulting. Poppy told you exactly what was happening and that there is no one correct answer. The socket went bad for any one of many reasons. Your WinSock abandoned the socket as unusable and generated that error message. Perhaps you, in your infinite wisdom, can tell us WHY it's happening.

I must assume that, since you have solved the problem, you can solve it server-side as well. Please tell us how to do that too, please, because I'm quite tired of getting my connection reset by peer as well. After all, it's the same error.

And now, it's my turn:

HOW DARE you jump down anyone's throat on this message board like that because we are "PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW"? Just who the hell died and elected YOU God? Every one of us here, up to and including Khaled, are volunteers. We all take time out of our lives to try our level best to help other people solve their problems because we might, JUST MIGHT, have run into that problem before and maybe even seen how to correct the problem, if such a solution already exists. And we MIGHT even remember how it was done.

Do you know, if I knew for a FACT how to fix the problem, after reading your original post, I'd rather burn in hell for eternity before I shared the secret setting to fix it for you? I and a great many other people contribute what knowledge we have to solving whatever problems arise, however we can. No one, up until your eloquent self clued us in, had yet figured out how to solve the problem. 99.99999% of the people didn't even understand the error message, which is why Merlin wrote that page with the analogies to explain in simpler terms what each of those error codes mean. Since I helped him with it, let me apologize for bothering to try to help those who haven't looked up the WinSock error codes, traced them back to the BSD implementation and then reduced what I found into an easier-to-follow description than straight C code. Next time, go read it yourself.

Let me clue YOU in: we do NOT know it all, we never CLAIMED to know it all, most of use WISH we knew it all and realize we CAN'T know it all. But we ALSO try to do our best. It's people like you that make people who try to help NOT want to help.

Don't be part of the problem: be part of the solution.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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It is not server related, it happens on all of them. However, it seems to occur more often if I'm connected two more than 1 server at once (2 or 3).

I know it would be preferable to have reproducable circumstances, but all I can say is that I personally have not had it while mIRC was in the foreground.

Maybe I'll be able to check it out with a packet sniffer sometime, that could shed some light on what's happening (or what isn't)..

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Ohh jesus. Ok, you want to know what it is. here ya go. The probelm is a DNS issue under Windows XP. When the DCC starts, there are several things that happen, a ping, a ctcp, and then the file starts. When the ctcp is sent, everything goes well, but the ping is then sent very quickly, before the CTCP has returned to the Senders computer. This ping, is subsequently sent to a wrong address, because either windows or mirc doesnt resolve the ping, just sends it to the IP that is cached in your system.

Why reinstalling mIRC solved the problem? I am not sure. Maybe the cache was cleared, maybe alot of things. Like I said, I had done this before and it didn't work. So, maybe also it was the Critical Updates. Who knows. I just say what I finally did to resolve the issue. I do know that the connection was a protocol timeout because the IP address the ping was sent to did not exist. So, maybe the designers of mIRC, or Windows can do somethign about this with this information, but I am not an expert. I do know that The information I wrote in my messages was far more aimed at helping the next person than alot of the messages here. Alot of them send you Here. and give you another description of your problem. Well, I was experiencing it, so I knew the problem. Here were my steps to solve, and eventually fix the problem for me. I said I am sorry I couldnt give more information, but I am not even sure exactially why it started working again. Maybe you should spend more time helping people that need help then reading old posts.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Let me clue YOU in: we do NOT know it all, we never CLAIMED to know it all, most of use WISH we knew it all and realize we CAN'T know it all.

Finally someone say's something meaningful.

Don't take things personally if you cant handle it.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Yes I do actually know about the Critical Updates. 1 Was an Update for Microsoft Internet Explorer, a security issue, and reading in detail listed nothing which SHOULD affect this problem, and another for Microsoft Outlook (and I believe Outlook Express), and again I didn't see any reason WHY these would affect anything, but who knows.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well, true, I don't really think it is a problem resolving the IP from the Host name, I think it is more of a not trying to resolve at all and just using a wrong address.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I must assume that, since you have solved the problem, you can solve it server-side as well. Please tell us how to do that too, please, because I'm quite tired of getting my connection reset by peer as well. After all, it's the same error.

Ohh grand master, You said yourself you would rather burn in hell than help me. And you are as wrong as the way you dress about it being the same problem. Just because you get ping timeouts, they are not related to the Software Caused Connecting Abort. " I know Disconnect are hard for you to understand" But that is all the 'connection reset by peer'. Here and I though you knew what you were talking about.

Just let us know if you need any help with your Computer Education classes. I'll start you off. asdf jkl;

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thanks Subspace.. all input is appreciated, narrowing down the "sometimes" "always" "never" circumstances can help.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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hammer stated :

Do you know, if I knew for a FACT how to fix the problem, after reading your original post, I'd rather burn in hell for eternity before I shared the secret setting to fix it for you?

jlowe i think u need to read that line a bit better as he was tryin to ask u if u actually thought he was withholding info from u ..... not that he was sayin he wouldnt help u if he knew ..... that said jlowe u really should swallow some bit of pride and offer an appology to the guy ...... he is as anyone else is offering his free time to help ppl with problems .....

With that said id like to thank everyone for volunteering thier time to help out others like myself because its all of u that make mirc forums and mirc itself what it is .......

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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What in the world are you talking about DCC for? The question is dealing with [10053] Software caused connection abort (RST received when SYN or SYN+ACK expected). How did you manage to get from that error (which is has to do with your socket connection to the IRC server) to DDC Sending a file?


The probelm is a DNS issue under Windows XP. When the DCC starts, there are several things that happen, a ping, a ctcp, and then the file starts. When the ctcp is sent, everything goes well, but the ping is then sent very quickly, before the CTCP has returned to the Senders computer. This ping, is subsequently sent to a wrong address, because either windows or mirc doesnt resolve the ping, just sends it to the IP that is cached in your system.

What kind of ping are you talking about? ICMP, IRC or CTCP? CTCP is a specialized format of PRIVMSG to a nick, which is an IRC command as it's used here.

CTCP PING goes to the nick you send it to //raw PRIVMSG nickname :PING $ctime
IRC PING goes to the server, requesting a PONG: //raw PING $ctime
ICMP type 8 is an ICMP Echo request sent to an IP (TTL maxed)

I know you're not talking about DCC Sending a file, because what you have described has nothing whatsoever to do with the DCC Send protocol.

Here are some things that I have noticed, while troubleshoot this problem:
  • I have never had 10053 while sending a file.
  • I have had 10053 with XPs firewall enabled.
  • I have had 10053 without XPx firewall enabled.
  • I have had 10053 on every server I have ever been connected to, at one time or another.
  • I have had 10053 after installing those last two Critical Updates.
  • I have had 10053 after upgrading XP to XP(SP1)
  • I have had 10053 while mIRC was the active application while I was idling and just watching.
  • I have had 10053 while mIRC was the active application while I was typing my fingers off.
  • I have had 10053 while typing up messages for this forum in its editor (mIRC not AppActive).
And all of those just this week!

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If the connection is in a synchronized state (ESTABLISHED, FIN-WAIT-1, FIN-WAIT-2, CLOSE-WAIT, CLOSING, LAST-ACK, TIME-WAIT), any unacceptable segment (out of window sequence number or unacceptible acknowledgment number) must elicit only an empty acknowledgment segment containing the current send-sequence number and an acknowledgment indicating the next sequence number expected to be received, and the connection remains in the same state. If an incoming segment has a security level, or compartment, or precedence which does not exactly match the level, and compartment, and precedence requested for the connection,a reset is sent and connection goes to the CLOSED state. The reset takes its sequence number from the ACK field of the incoming segment.

Reset Processing

In all states except SYN-SENT, all reset (RST) segments are validated by checking their SEQ-fields. A reset is valid if its sequence number is in the window. In the SYN-SENT state (a RST received in response to an initial SYN), the RST is acceptable if the ACK field acknowledges the SYN.

The receiver of a RST first validates it, then changes state. If the receiver was in the LISTEN state, it ignores it. If the receiver was in SYN-RECEIVED state and had previously been in the LISTEN state, then the receiver returns to the LISTEN state, otherwise the receiver aborts the connection and goes to the CLOSED state. If the receiver was in any other state, it aborts the connection and advises the user (which is where the 10053 ECONNABORTED or WSAECONNABORTED comes from) and goes to the CLOSED state.

-pulled directly from the end of TCP RFC (793) Section 3.4 Establishing a connection (my emphasis added)

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Hoopy frood
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Ohh grand master, You said yourself you would rather burn in hell than help me. And you are as wrong as the way you dress about it being the same problem. Just because you get ping timeouts, they are not related to the Software Caused Connecting Abort. " I know Disconnect are hard for you to understand" But that is all the 'connection reset by peer'. Here and I though you knew what you were talking about.

Au contraire. "Ping timeout" is a message generated by the IRC server if your client does not respond within a reasonable amount of time to its periodic PING? with an appropriate PONG! It is an IRC protocol error and a means of closing down dead sockets (or those that the server assumes are dead). Connection reset by peer (10054) is not controlled by the IRC process at all, it comes directly from the socket engine which is not under the IRCd's control. Please get your protocols straight before trying to use them specifically in support of what you are talking about. 10054 and 10053 are the same error, viewed from different perspectives in a client-server architecture.

Grandmaster? Hardly. I, like most of the other helpers here, am just someone who likes to help others resolve their problems. My personal preference is in helping to provide support for scripting-type questions. I do try to answer other questions too, when I find I might have input that might help resolve an issue.

"And you are as wrong as the way you dress about it being the same problem." This statement is nonsensical, so I'll do you the favor of ignoring it completely.

I never said I never make mistakes; quite the opposite...I've had to apologize many times on these forums for blatant mistakes I've made. I'll have to do it again in the future, there's no doubt of that.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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My point being they are both ping timeouts, but for different reasons, and from different servers/or programs. However, they are related in the ping pong relationship. However you will not recieve a ping timeout error for the problem I was describing, because it involves software. Ping Timeouts in irc are due to server or user pings, my pings & errors were almost exclusivly due to dcc chat or send only on dalnet. I never stated that this would solve the problem, I just stated what fixed it for me. Also, after working someone else through it on irc, it fixed it for them.

Your right, I have never seen the way you dress, I just assume by the way you talk. I wasn't upset at YOU, you just decided to take it personally. I never singled anyone out. Maybe a guilty conscious?

Anyways, if it helps you great, if not sorry. It worked for me, and I tried the winxp firewall on and off too, I tracked it (no matter what you say in response) to a ping to an invalid IP (my internal) non used ip. This would be a router problem essentually, but no correction was needed on that front.

Sorry if I offended you, like I have said in multiple posts, I was just trying to stress a point. I believe I might have even apologised. Nonetheless...

Happy IRCing

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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No, I didnt think he was withholding, I just thought he should have read the apology before he jumped on someones ass.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Thank you very much for a detailed technical description.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Again to clarify the problem I was having:

I would ONLY recieve the error durring DCC. Send or Chat. So, in my case it is related TOTALLY to DCC. So therefor, it is involved in my questions/comments. I feel I was very clear that this was happening only durring DCC in Dalnet. I know you read this, because you got angry because I wasn't happy with previous responses.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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Well unfortunatly the problem has rebegan. I was speaking with my ISP, and we changed the DNS servers, and them only and it failed to work. When I put the DNS servers (TCP/IP) back to auto detect, as they previously were, I recieved the same problem. I inturn recycled my modem, and computer reboot, and installed 5.81 - The problem was still there. ONLY IN DCC SENDS AND ONLY ON DALNET STILL - then I did as I had before, I deleted all copies of Mirc.exe and Mirc32.exe and reinstalled. The problem was not solved. I am currently speaking with my ISP about this problem, however it appears to me, because the only changed I had made was DNS, the it would STILL be like I said DNS related. But unfortunatly, I am still plagued by this problem. If I find any solution, I will be sure to post it.

I am tring to help just like you are, I felt with 100 posts on the subject, someone would say something that could solve the problem completely. I understand it is different for everyone, but I still think a good description of what occurs specifically to cause the error is the FIRST step in solving it. That was not posted anywere on the site I could find until now. Thanks for that! I will be sure to update you, like you I just want people to be able to enjoy IRC without errors.

#Darvocet - Dalnet

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Thank you for the info you pass along.... as i said a few posts ago, user input is always a help. Some also say its only during dcc, others have it any time, and others never have it happen at all. Others have resolved it by router firmware upgrades or turning off xp's firewall. The majority of users have winxp, with a few having win2k.

Others have said it happens on all networks, not just one, so yes, you are the only one to say it only happens for you on DALnet. Many have however, as i also said, found that it only happens to them when on certain servers. Have you noticed that?

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I believe I said earlier that the problem had been resolved when I disabled XP's firewall. Over the last few days, I found this is not entirely true. I had been using mIRC 6.03 to connect to EFnet, which no longer seems to have the problem, but 5.9 to connect to DALnet. After switching to 6.03 for both, I found that the problem still happens on DALnet.

Again I want to stress that it does not happen when using mIRC 5.x, only with 6.x, so please don't respond saying "DALnet is having problems." I know that, and if this were related to it it would happen regardless of which version I use.

I don't expect an answer this time. I just wanted to everyone know that disabling the XP firewall did not fix it for me. It seems that everyone who has this error finds a different problem and thus a different solution. I will thus be looking into my specific problem further when I find time. Thanks for the help.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I think you can safely rule out DALnet. I've never been on DALnet apart from when I tried to connect a few times just out of curiosity, to see if I could. I got this error on my usual network, using WinXP Home, and mIRC 6.03. Since I uninstalled XP, I no longer get the error, so for me, I can only assume it was that that was causing the problem.

Never compare yourself to others - they're more screwed up than you think.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Whether it helps you or not, when i spoke with jlowe420
in channel on DALnet, i suggested he connect to a server port other than 6667 and also to connect using the servers numeric rather than alpha. That seemed to solve the problem for him. Wouldnt hurt to try it.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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I've tried other ports (as DALnet seems to allow a lot of them), and I always connect using the server's IP address instead of its DNS.

Like I said though, everyone has different problems. What doesn't help me will help others.

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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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cool cool cool
I want to thank ParaBrat for his awesome help with my problem when it happened again. Because of all the things that fix the problem, it is soooo odd, and I know different for everyone. Like he said in the previous post, I tried connecting to an IP instead of the host (ex instead of irc.dal.net.) also I stopped using the port 6667 - connected with 7000 -- and again BAM! the problem was solved. Thank you very much ParaBrat, I couldnt have done it with out you. I am happy there are individuals like you out there for people with probs.

Keep up the great work

Darvocet (DALnet)
#Darvocet smirk

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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You're quite welcome, its always nice to hear a thank you and i'm glad the prob is solved for you smile (er, altho... i'm a her not a him *chuckle* )

Since what works for one person doesnt for another, all we can do is tell ppl to try the various things that have been found. Input on what works/doesnt work is a big help to others, thanks!

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Pikka bird
Pikka bird
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No, I really haven't noticed it specifically happening on one server and not the next. When it was occuring, it would happen no matter where I was connected. But, like I said in an earlier post connecting with an IP instead of the host name and using port 7000 instead of default 6667 stopped the error for the second time. I am sure I will be back when it happens again, and I will let you guys know what fixed it then! hehe

Thanks ParaBrat for your help!

Darvocet (Dalnet)
#Darvocet :tongue:

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I have exactly the same problem:

I am using mirc 6.03 with windows xp pro. Everything worked fine until I decided to enable the built-in xp firewall. After that I was getting disconnected all the time with the "[10053] Software caused connection abort" error. Disabling the xp firewall again solved the problem. But since I'm not happy until I know the reason for a problem, I enabled the xp firewall log to see what really causes the disconnect. That's what I've found so far:

Every time I got disconnected, the firewall log showed several dropped tcp connection attempts from the irc-server to my computer. Now that is quite strange, because why should the irc-server ever try to establish a connection with me. Here's the details...

From the firewall log
#Fields: date time action protocol src-ip dst-ip src-port dst-port size tcpflags tcpsyn tcpack tcpwin 

icmptype icmpcode info
2003-02-11 21:05:47 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:48 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:48 DROP TCP 6667 4155 99 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:48 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:50 DROP TCP 6667 4155 99 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:50 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:52 DROP TCP 6667 4155 99 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:54 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:05:56 DROP TCP 6667 4155 99 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:00 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:04 DROP TCP 6667 4155 170 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:14 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:20 DROP TCP 6667 4155 408 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:42 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -
2003-02-11 21:06:53 DROP TCP 6667 4155 636 AP 3609016887 2070780883 4096 - - -
2003-02-11 21:07:37 DROP TCP 6665 4154 151 AP 3821879441 2070701788 6432 - - -

And the netstat output at the same time
Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State

As you can see, I was connected to two different irc-servers, and I got disconnected from both of them at the same time. So its definitely not a problem with the servers.

Now the interesting thing is, that the xp firewall obviously thinks the irc-server is trying to establish a tcp connection on the port 4154 (and 4155). But as you can see in the netstat output, there already is a connection on these ports. Thats the connections I established when first connecting to the irc-servers.

Somehow this all makes no sense to me... maybe someone here as an idea what causes this.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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i have no answer to why it does this but if u also have msn messanger and other software of the like ...... u may also take not that not only does ur mirc lose connection but ALL internet connected programs loose connection on this when that xp firewal is enabled ...... so it cannot be mirc causing this ..... personally i think its some messed up way windows has gone about making thier firewall

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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for some, for others only mIRC is effected, and thats without any firewall at all with win2k pro instead of xp, connecting to an ip instead of a host, useing port 7000 instead of 6667.

there seem to be alot of different causes for different ppl for this problem which make it that much harder to track down. all in good time though.

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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Hi - I've never had much of a problem with this fault until last week...now when I go idle for a few hours, I come back, and whenever I type something, mIRC disconnects and I have to reconnect. This is so frustrating as nothing in these forums has worked. This is obviously a serious mIRC error as none of my other applications have any problems. I am running WinXP with firewall disabled, and I have a very stable ADSL connection. aghrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I've had the same problem with 2k pro, xp pro & server 2003.
When it happens to me, it's only mIRC that is disconnected.
Also only with mIRC 6.x.

I'm usually connected to 3 but sometimes 4 networks .. sometimes up to 35 channels. I retired 6.03 for a while and instead, ran 5.91 x 4 (one for each network), joined all channels (35). I ran them that way for 2 weeks without seeing this at all (I logged of course).

So, with the results of this experiment, I couldn't help but to think it was mIRC 6.x, so I fired up another machine with WinME installed on it and ran mIRC 6.03, connected to all 4 networks and joined all 35 channels. It ran and stayed connected for 9 days (yes, this is possible with WinME when it's sitting there doing absolutely nothing but 1 application lol) until my connection was dropped due to line repairs outside my house.

This leads me to think that 1) The problem doesn't actually exist but only in our heads lol or 2) The problem could be with windows and mIRC 6.x *shrug*

I wonder if the problem could be with these versions of windows and after X simultaneous connections by 1 application, (IRC Servers, DCC Connections, Sockets .. whatever) .. maybe ?

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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perhaps the actual answer on dalnet is the fact that you need todo a /dccallow +nickname for the receiving party

Its serverside and not configured in mirc btw, that is probably your problem with dcc's

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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eh ?

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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the dccallow on DALnet is for certain file types. not dccallowing the nick will block the file and send msg with explanations... it wouldnt disconnect someone with 10053 error.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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I some times experience this problem myself, even though I don't find it to be a problem, just an annoyance. First of all, go here to see a more or less detailed explanation of this WINSOCK error message (Notice that the "software" caused a "connection abort" because of some OTHER problem. The "software" is not normally the one to blame here).

As you can see in the explanation, there can be a multitude of possible causes for this error message. Though there might be a bug in either Win XP or mIRC 6.x that causes it to happen at more "regular" times, and my guess would be that it's a mIRC bug, since mIRC 5.9x didn't seem to behave like this.

I personally experience this problem when our DSL modem gets disconnected from our ISP, when our router reboots, or when I pull out the TP cable from my computer.

That being said, a good deal of these error messages are (as far as I have experienced) hardware related (disconnected modems, failing routers, bad TP cable), and this doesn't have to be hardware in my immediate surroundings.

Anyone else have additional useful info about this? I have noticed that some of the posts on this thread are pretty far fetched, wouldn't surprise me if someone blamed UFO's soon smirk

* [10053] UFO caused connection abort grin

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I personally experience this problem when our DSL modem gets disconnected from our ISP, when our router reboots, or when I pull out the TP cable from my computer.
That being said, a good deal of these error messages are (as far as I have experienced) hardware related (disconnected modems, failing routers, bad TP cable), and this doesn't have to be hardware in my immediate surroundings.

Well this would be an obvious explanation .. IF all connections were dropped ... but this is rarely the case in my situation .. it seems to happen at a random time on a random connection. In no way is this hardware related.

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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Sorry I didn't read this whole thread, it's way too long, so if this is repeat info, and a moderator reads this please remove this post... But here is my two cents, just a guess from someone that is a programmer of many languages...

This error is most likely caused by one of these two situations...

- Read/Write buffers are full, rather than corrupting the data, the connection is droped...

- Events are not being processed fast enough, there is too large of a collection of events that haven't been processed yet, and the "buffer" for managing events is full...

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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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This error is most likely caused by one of these two situations...

- Read/Write buffers are full, rather than corrupting the data, the connection is droped...

- Events are not being processed fast enough, there is too large of a collection of events that haven't been processed yet, and the "buffer" for managing events is full...

That didn't seemed to be the problem to me. I'm using xp with mirc 6.03 and one of the tests i made was connecting to a random server, creating a new channel and sitting idle for a while (I tried this a couple of times). There was no one on the channel, I wasn't chatting to anyone, no Dcc sends/transfers and after a while being idle (30 miinutes to an hour), I typed a few words then sent them to channel (propably reactivating communications with the server) and got THE ERROR :- SOFTWARE CAUSED CONNECTION TO ABORT frown frown frown frown It seems that the client/server doesn't receive the ACK and ignores it's counterpart, assuming it's dead. I have noticed that mirc also stops showing in the status window the ping pong event ( while in IDLE mode ). My problem is solved if I type in any channel in a regular basis, and while doing this the ping pong event grows big in the status window. Since I can't stay awake forever this is not a considerable option.

One of my possible solutions to this problem might be the make of a macro that sends messages in a regular basis to a channel, just so mirc stays alive. Since I'm not an expert in scripting can this be done? :
Another question is : Could you make mIRC 5.x 32bits avaible for download, just until this problem is solved? TIA

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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mIRC 32 bit 5.x are available for download, you can find 5.91 by clicking on Download mIRC to the left on your screen, or click here for the webpage . You can also find most past versions on stealth's website

Re something to send msgs regularly, you can use a timer, they are pretty simple to make. In mIRC just type /help /timer (altho realize that it may make some channel ops cranky if you do it in their channel on a frequent basis).

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I know it's far away from an ideal solution, but I created a channel #timer grin, and started a timer (/timer5 0 60 /msg #timer ping pong)
It already passed almost an hour in idle mode and I not getting disconnected from the server grin grin grin grin grin.
I'll update this message as soon as I get new results.
Many thanks Miss ParaBrat wink

P.S. This are the aliases i'm using

/start_timer {
/join #timer
/timer 0 120 /msg #timer ping pong

/stop_timer /timer? off

Last edited by CrazyPerfect; 26/05/03 06:23 PM.
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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i just installed 4 new copys of mirc 6.03 and i run 4 of them at once to different networks and they all do it at the same time funnine thing is never had this problem with any ohter mirc scripts like invision or ploaris

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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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I am having the same problem, in a slightly different context. I will describe my situation and what I have tried in as much detail as I can in the hope that it helps others (and myself) in tracking down the cause of the 10053 in my specific case.

First of all I dont IRC much in the sense that I chat or do DCC. I just go to one specific channel on one server almost every day to meet up with opponents for an online game. ( #magic-league on irc.quicknet.nl , in this case).

Now I normally do not use Mirc. The site for my game (www.magic-league.com) runs an applet that is basically an IRC client /front-end. I usually use that and from time to time Mirc 6.03. I have been happily using this site for nearly a year, on windows 98, without any issues. A few weeks ago I switched to a new PC with windows XP Home, making the old 98 box my backup machine.

The first two weeks of using the new PC all was fine. Then I started getting connection drops in the applet, though my other internet connections (eg email) worked ok. When these drops started to get more frequent I switched to using Mirc for better error-analysis. Hence I discovered the 10053 error messages. The problem is getting progressively worse, with conn drops getting ever more frequent, and not beeing identifiably triggered by any event. It is now at the point where I can barely log onto the IRC server, with the connection often hanging before I even see the complete Message of the Day (MOTD). Also, in the past a logon to the point where you get your command prompt (after the MOTD) would take about 2 seconds, it now takes up to 2 minutes.

Things I have tried: disabling the XP firewall did not help. I have recently replaced it with Norton Internet Security 2003, which prompted me on the first Mirc use and made the appropriate rules. Uninstalling Mirc 6.03 and installing Mirc 5.9 did not solve the problem. I doubt even using a different IRC client would help, though I havent tried that yet. So far it looked like a problem with the TCP/IP stack and sockets in XP.

However...yesterday, after the umpteenth 10053 connection loss on XP, I walked over to the old 98 box, (networked with XP using Internet Connection Sharing, cable modem) and fired up first the site with the applet, then Mirc, both times being confronted by 10053 conn losses immediately....on windows 98 ! On a machine that never had that problem before !
Weird eh ?

One more thing I will try is the connecting with the hard IP address on port 7000, hoping my IRC server does listen on that port.

Hopefully my info helps you experts to track things down, and I'll be happy to supply any other information you request.


I have also tried disabling all firewalls altogether (perhaps port 113 was blocked) but that didnt help either.
On a sidenote, since the forum says my post here was the most recent one (for the moment), why doesnt this thread jump back to the top of page 1 ? How else will you guys find out I added onto this thread ? ( confused

Last edited by Flying_Dutchman; 17/06/03 10:06 AM.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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On a sidenote, since the forum says my post here was the most recent one (for the moment), why doesnt this thread jump back to the top of page 1 ? How else will you guys find out I added onto this thread ?

Many users here set it to show threads active within a certain time frame. New posts to an older thread will then show relative to the time of other new ones posted. For example, for me your post brought that thread to page 1. There isnt really much point to scrolling thru pages of inactive threads when you can let the msg board show you those active within whatever time frame you want. YOu can do this forum by forum, or for all forums, and on your personal preferences page.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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can you help me understand what this means?

an email would be wonderful --


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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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So if i'm seeing a lot of this '[10053] Software caused connection abort' and 'Unable to resolve server', and even the occasional '[10054] Connection reset by peer' or 'Unable to connect (Connection timed out)' all of a sudden could it be due to a corporate firewall my company setup without my knowledge? It seems strange though, i was just connected fine the other day, rebooted and then could never connect again. Also, i can't connect to any servers on any network, and yet i'm able to ping some...others just say 'request timed out'. Any opinions?



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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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10053 is rather common, especially with xp users, read thru this thread for things they have tried with success (no one answer fits all, sorry)

10054 basically a glitch somewhere along the connection.

unable to connect, or timed out, could mean the server is down, could be a slowness factor and increasing the line "if not connected in ___secs" under file/options/connect/options under the retry button a bit may help. (i use 60 secs). You mite try connecting on other ports (most have range of 6660-6669,7000-7001). Make sure you have identd enabled and arent blocking port 113, that mite slow things down. Only other thing i could suggest is perhaps try connecting to the ip rather than domain just in case you are having some dns probs.

Since its a cooperate firewall, there is always the possibility they dont want ppl IRCing and may have done some tweaking.

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Posts: 4
Well, i'm actually running win2k, so nothing there (referring to the XP solutions anyway). I tried cranking up my 'if not connected in __' but it hasn't paid off yet. Identd has always been enabled and never changed, and i also tried connecting to the IP instead of domain(s), still no luck. Its strange to, i've been connected for months practically off/on and then all of a sudden, i reboot one day and can never connect again. I'm thinking my company dropped in some sort of additional firewall rules then...but would that explain why i remained connected until i rebooted...wouldn't the firewall immediately have dropped my connection instead of requiring a reboot to start blocking?

Thanks again,


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Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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Posts: 1
[10053] has been a steady nemesis for me too.

*) Generally only affects mIRC - that is, ICQ, actively loading sites, downloads, etc, all remain in operation (Except in cases where the entire 'net connection goes south, which is identified by EVERYTHING dying.)

*) Has occured when AFK from machine. When in another CPU intensive app. When actively chatting. When PC has been freshly booted (at most an hour past boot). When PC has been on for some time and connected for some time. Latest occurance happened after a roughly 2 day 6 hour uptime for the mIRC client.

*) In most cases, can reconnect in about a minute w/o even closing mIRC.

*) Did NOT occur on system configuration previously (Win98SE, dialup connection)

* NOT connecting through firewall/proxy

System configuration:

Windows 2000 Professional
Pentium III 866MHz
Plenty of free space on both HDs
Connection passes through Linksys Wireless Router to cablemodem
Router is forwarding Identd and DCC ports to PC using mIRC
mIRC 5.91 (Yeah, I keep meaning to upgrade...)
System is updated to most recent Win2K updates

Have not tested (yet):

*) Using IP instead of server name/DNS
*) Forwarding IRC connection ports specifically via router config.


*) This is definitely a Win2K/WinXP issue. (No surprise - XP is built off 2K core techs, right?) confused
*) This appears, from what info I've seen, to be limited mostly to high speed Internet users. (Dialup reports seem to be more along the line of 'someone picked up the @#$@#$ phone again!') grin
*) This problem isn't limited to mIRC (judged by search of websites), but is pretty much a widespread issue with the most recent OS, and as such, we'll probably stuck dealing with this until Mi(c)ro$loth gets their act together. mad

My question: I'm looking for a more definitive solution... that is, if you did something to try to fix this and it was fixed... did it STAY fixed? It's pretty easy to uninstall software or change a setting, but it's kinda moot to do this if it's not going to have any effect. Guess I'm looking for a solution with longevity and not a false positive smile

Finally, in honor of this lovely error:

'Hundred Fifty Three

(Named in honor of Winsock Error 10053: Software caused connection abort)

I find I don't like hundred fifty three
It drives my brain right out of me
When typing, idle, or away from home
It stops mIRC with its deadly tome

It drops me when I read my mail
It drops me when I type like heyll
It drops me when I DCC
It drops me = AFK to pee

I do not like it on my box
I do not like this da## WinSock
I only want to stay online
I'll kill if slighted one more time

I don't like one hundred fifty three
It's pissing the @#$@# crap out of me!

- Apologies to Dr. Seuss smile

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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getsome: "wouldn't the firewall immediately have dropped my connection instead of requiring a reboot to start blocking?"
i really dont know if a existing connection would be effected by some tweaking or not, i just dont know enuf about the various ways/tricks admins could implement such things

yes this does seem to be a prob with 2k and xp and highspeed connections (altho there was something about 2k..hrm.. )
This thread pretty much covers everything ppl have tried, unfortunately there just does not seem to be a one solution works for every user. Some have found they have to disable xp firewall/changed firewalls, some have changed out NIC cards, some routers hate server port 6667, some router drivers/firmware wont cooperate, etc. Whether those who found a solution later found it stopped working, i cant say...other than they havent come back shrieking so any of their results are worth a try. Some of the suggestions work for some of the ppl, some or all dont work for others.

ponder... ok, the 2k thingie i referred to and the 10053 error, it was something about a change in the default MTU registry value in 2k/xp being higher than some routers like. since it involves making a change in the registry i refuse to trust my less than wondermous memory banks further. of course, there isnt any way i could guarantee what changes in the registry would do to your system and would advise it as last resort after trying everything else suggested here that you havent already tried (and no, it doesnt work for everyone either) i'll see what notes i kept once you pm me to convince me its safe to turn you loose in the registry :tongue:

general disclaimer: never never never mess about in your registry unless you truly know what you are doing or have an overwhelming urge to totally muck up your system beyond use.

oh yeah, and have enuf sense to know to make a backup first

and any of you geeks who know what i'm referring to, please dont post it openly where an unknowing and innocent casual user could see it and bork their system

ParaBrat @#mIRCAide DALnet
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Posts: 384
Hmmm. I don't see any inputus from Linux/Unix/BSD users on this issue. I have been running mIRC 6.03 fine for a couple of days in WINE and have yet to experience this problem.

Have any other WINE users? Speak up now. It'll help determine whether this IS a (yet another) Windows fault smile

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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HOW DARE you jump down anyone's throat on this message board like that because we are "PEOPLE ARE SUPPOSED TO KNOW"? Just who the hell died and elected YOU God? Every one of us here, up to and including Khaled, are volunteers. We all take time out of our lives to try our level best to help other people solve their problems because we might, JUST MIGHT, have run into that problem before and maybe even seen how to correct the problem, if such a solution already exists. And we MIGHT even remember how it was done.

I've never read so much profanity in my life. How dare you use so much obscene langauge in front of your elders young man! You need an old fashioned 1920s style whooping! I would also would like to take this time to thank Khaled for making this marvelous mIRC program. He's a great man for this indeed. I'm now addicted to IRC and no longer have a real life outside of the Internet. I get offended when people criticize my helping skills on mIRC related message boards.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 2,985
Why are you:

1. Responding to a post not intended for you? (Like it's just on 6 months old)
2. Demanding respect based on your age?

You'll get respected if you offer some respect and it shouldn't be based on age. I'm probably older than most people here but you don't see me up on the soap box with a gavel demanding that people show me extra respect just because I might be covered in grey hair and wrinkles. I just went and checked Hammers 6 month old post and he was quite right.

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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I don't have to answer any of your questions! I think it's just dandy young man. Have a nice day.

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I don't have to answer any of your questions!

Of course you don't. The great and all-knowing loser knows all....well with the exception of the date clearly marked on someones reply just below the post's subject line.

Joined: Dec 2002
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
Joined: Dec 2002
Posts: 1,321
Greetings, forum users.

We all know from continuous experience that we will occasionally be forced to read compost material; that being a given, there is no need whatever to give in to the desire to respond to it.

This guy is just another poor example (and he's not even very good at it, as his nickname on these forums aptly illustrates). Don't get bent out of shape by his ilk. If you see a post from him (or those blighted similarly), just pass it by...don't even bother reading it. Definitely don't bother responding or replying to them, as this just creates more compost.

Sometimes, we moderators will step in and simply remove the thread or the post. In the meantime, laugh at him if you feel like it, but please don't "feed the animals." Eventually (as their intelligence is rather limitted, so is their attention span), they will go away. Most likely, they forget where we are, which will be fine with us.

There are users and then are lusers; learn to differentiate between the two and respond accordingly.

Disclaimer: The views expressed here are my own, but I would imagine that most of the other moderators feel similarly.

DALnet: #HelpDesk and #m[color:#FF0000]IR[color:#EEEE00]C
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Posts: 384
Ok, I have managed to find one DEFINITE cause of this error 10053. It is very unlikely that it is any of YOUR causes but still, it triggers the abort.

On *:OP:*:{  
  mode $chan -ooo $snick($chan)
  goto doploop

Whack that into your mIRC editor and join an empty channel so you have ops. Fire up a clone (in the same mIRC instance, get it to join that channel and op it. Both server connections will terminate straight away (at least, it does with me (mIRC 6.03 and Win2k)). And no, I'm not gonna explain WHY I wrote this particular piece of code :tongue:

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Posts: 2,812
This is called "being flooded off the server."

You will note a signficant difference in error messages you receive from the server when doing this. Generally along the lines of "Excess Flood". Also being an infinite loop, the other may simply "Ping Timeout" for not responding after so long.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
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Posts: 384
Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Posts: 384
No, you don't get dicon for flood or whatever. The connection is closed before anyone gets de-op'd at all. That script triggers something in mIRC that causes the connection to abort instantly as soon as your clone is given ops. Try it and you'll see you get the error 10053 in your status window smile

I have tested this extensively and it happens to me every time without fail. Also, I know it is an infinite loop but there was a condition originally set to break that loop. I pasted only the section above because that's what I have narrowed the 10053 trigger down to.

Finally, I noticed it started triggering the 10053 message when I used $snick instead of $nick($chan,o) (which I discovered didn't work, hence the swap to $snick).

Either way, it reproduces the 10053 message every time and as far as I know, it's the only method I have of reliably reproducing said error message. Just thought I'd be helpful and share my findings smile

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mwm Offline
Mostly harmless
Mostly harmless
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Posts: 1
This annoying issue happens to me too. I have tried to downgrade mIRC but the problem is still the same.

But today I tried to close eMule while keeping mIRC opened, and the connection didn't go down.

Anybody tried this? Thanks.

nihil satis nisi optimum
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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
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Why'd you delete my post el censorship Hammer? Hammer, with all that said...what's your point? Speaking of 'Hammer' does anyone here remember MC Hammer? "It's hammer time!" ... and then he went broke. Oh yeah, and if you have any other personal attacks against me just send them privately to me...

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ill say it here, your name matches your attitude.

new username: tidy_trax
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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May I refer you to Hammer's most recent post in this thread. grin

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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I am formally requesting that this thread be locked to prevent further comments by people that act like this fool loser. Anyone agree?

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Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Nutrimatic drinks dispenser
Joined: Jul 2003
Posts: 7
Attempts to be an offensive troll have been censored by d00dman. Please move along.

Last edited by d00dman; 24/07/03 09:13 PM.
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Kindly take your trolling elsewhere.

This thread is dead.


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