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#55787 18/10/03 11:46 AM
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Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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Hi! Is it possible to add ssl support in new version of mIRC? Because alot of networks already support SSL and to use external programs(addons) is not so good idea.

Thanks beforehand.

#55788 18/10/03 11:48 AM
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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Cool idea!

#55789 18/10/03 11:57 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Using the search feature you would see #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9

And that was just the FIRST page of ALL dates in the FEATURE SUGGESTION board using the SEARCH feature

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#55790 18/10/03 12:09 PM
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Bowl of petunias
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Bowl of petunias
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Readed all this... And dont get the answer on my question... To tell a stuff about US law, sorry but its stupid. Why? FlashFXP developed in US too, and support SSL like a charm... SO??? If mIRC developer too lazy to add few lines of code to support two dlls, is not depends of US law.

Sorry, for this.
And Thanks.

#55791 18/10/03 12:17 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ok, so if you read ALL of the posts regarding SSL you'd know that people have suggested it in the past and a small by loyal following think it's a great idea. If we were on the OLD boardfs I could prolly give you about 100 links or so regarding SSL threads alone. Im not vetoing the idea, just stating it's been discussed many times before and that searching the boards would show you what exactly has been discussed etc. To answer you question, sure it's possible, but that doesnt mean it's probable smile

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#55792 18/10/03 02:38 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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FlashFXP developed in US too

mIRC isn't developed in the USA. Khaled lives in the UK.

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#55793 18/10/03 06:34 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Readed all this... And dont get the answer on my question... To tell a stuff about US law, sorry but its stupid. Why? FlashFXP developed in US too, and support SSL like a charm... SO??? If mIRC developer too lazy to add few lines of code to support two dlls, is not depends of US law.

I can tell by the excellent grammar in that post that you are obviously NOT a lawyer so I would doubt Khaled is going to take your advise on legal matters. Furthermore, so, FlashFXP does it, what does that prove? People murder people in the US too, that doesn't mean it is legal. So, FlashFXP does it, all you did is prove they are breaking US law.

#55794 18/10/03 06:39 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Why is it illegal to support SSL? confused

#55795 18/10/03 07:41 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It's not illegal to support SSL, it's illegal to _export_ SSL. The way the US government looks at it is, what's to say that terrorists aren't going to d/l mIRC and use it to have encrypted communications?

#55796 18/10/03 08:13 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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what's to say that terrorists aren't going to d/l mIRC and use it to have encrypted communications?

The same could be said for other clients that support it and ditto for the IM clients that support it to (such as Yahoo, Trillian, GAIM...etc...) so the above is a possiblility anyway.

The 'net on the whole, in my opinion, needs to be made a bit more secure (especially e-mail. I wish more ppl used PGP encryption) so why not start with IRC? smile

Now if only EFnet supported SSL connections...

#55797 19/10/03 04:16 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Until mIRC internally supports SSL, google for 'stuntour' which will allow you to connect to SSL-enabled IRC servers.

put stuntour.dll in your mIRC folder, and put the following in remotes:

on *:start:{ dll stuntour.dll load_stunnel }

there are a few more options, just read the readme.

#55798 19/10/03 05:10 PM
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Thanks, but I'm not running mIRC smile

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