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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I was wondering, did anyone suggested a statusbar for main mIRC window? this is one feature that I and my friends would like to see, a statusbar with let's say 3-4 fields (cells) with some basic (or some other) informations, like what network I'm on right now, current time or connected time etc..
Also it would be great to see this statusbar with support for scripters.. same as you have default popups, there could be default values for statusbar cells, and just as is possible to override default popups using (or writing) a script, it would be possible to set up your own values in a statusbar with a script. This would bring maybe 6-7 new commands and/or identifiers for scripters.
[ pollstart ] [ polltitle=Would you like a statusbar for mirc? ] [ polloption=Yes. ] [ polloption=No. ] [ polloption=I can't decide. ] [ polloption=I don't understand what is this poll about. ] [/ pollstop ]
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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This can already be done with mIRC. Use ktools.dll
on 1:START: {
dll ktools.dll CreateSb .
dll ktools.dll SbSetParts 100 200 300 -1
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 0 > asdf > This
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 1 > asdf > is
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 2 > asdf > a
dll ktools.dll SbSetText 3 > asdf > status bar.
[ pollstart] [ polltitle=Would you like a statusbar for mirc? ] [ polloption=Yes. ] [ polloption=No. ] [ polloption=I can't decide. ] [ polloption=I don't understand what is this poll about. ] [ pollstop ]
Try making the bit in italic, like [/ pollstop ]. But close the evaluation brackets. The reason I spread them out is because if they was closed it'd evaluate the UBB code.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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it dont evaluate it. [/pollstop]
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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O, I know for that, but I would like to see this inside mIRC itself, without using dll's. Speaking of dll's, it would be nice also to see some options that MDX provide.. this would really shorten scripting jobs, and possibly make some scripts faster -------------------------------------- I need to fix that pool
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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 , well i t was just an assumption. I stand corrected.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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It would be nice to save coding I guess, but what would you want a dll for? I doubt you could put anything in the status bar without a dll anyway, unless Khaled adds some events, identifiers and possibly a /statusbar command.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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I don't want dll, just as you said - something like:
/statusbar command,
an internal command/identifier.. this is what I was talking about.
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Yes I know, but I was just saying you could use the dll to save having to code it into mIRC. Nonetheless it is a great suggestion.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I've noticed that ktools.dll when used in mIRC 6.1 produces some nasty "clutterage" and causes one of the mIRC toolbars to go missing.
-------- mIRC - fun for all the family (except grandma and grandpa)
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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thats because ktools wasnt desinged to work for mirc6.1 it will most likely get updated and it will then most likely work.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well that's beside the point though as the poster is suggesting this as an addition to mIRC..
Personally I dont think it would add anything as mIRC has an entire "status window" devoted to each connection already...
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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I would also like to see a status bar. It wouldn't have to include icon support either, but just a way of managing text..
/Statusbar -seNrN [ON|OFF|Params]
Toggle the statusbar by typing /statusbar [ON|OFF]
typing /statusbar will show the current toggles position
-s Sets column count and width. Including a width of -1 will extend the column
to the end of the bar.
/statusbar <count> [colum_1_width] [column_2_width] ... [column_N_width]
-eN Edits column N inserting text Params
/statusbar -e1 Status: Connected
-rN Clears column N's text
Returns true of status bar is enabled
width Returns the width of that column
text Returns the text in column N
And to give an example:
alias sbar {
; Enable status bar
if (!$Statusbar) /statusbar on
; Set Column Count
/statusbar -s 3 300 250 -1
; Enter Data
/statusbar -e1 Status: $iif($server, Online [[ $+ $network $+ ]], Offline)
/statusbar -e2 Uptime: $uptime(system, 3)
/statusbar -e3 mp3: $iif($nopath($insong.fname), $ifmatch, Nothing Playing)
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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errwhats the official website of ktools.dll?
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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thats because ktools wasnt desinged to work for mirc6.1 it will most likely get updated and it will then most likely work. smart guy
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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ha i figured ud be around eventually. keep up the good work and effort uve put into ktools ... i love using that in my mirc scripts ..... especially all the docking features ..... would be excellant to see ya put multi docking into it .. but if not its still an awesome tool
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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I personally have never seen the need for a statusbar in mIRC, a lot of the ones people have added using kTools.dll have been made to display infomation that the person using mIRC should know (nickname, active window, etc.). I know most people will disagree with me, but I don't see any reason to add something like this to the next version of mIRC.
- Jason
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Usermode and server are two i can think of that would be useful. You could put your ping in there which would be great too.
If only women came with popup menus and online help.
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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Multi Docking already works but I've yet to try it with 6.1. Mabye one day I'll get around to posting some screenshots, but I'm working dilligently on it in my free time.
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Fjord artisan
Fjord artisan
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Well duh. I know that.
In reply to the overall thread, it would be better if there was improved dialogs.
A dialog that could:
A) Be dockable to any part of the mIRC window
B) Use multiple columns within a list table (like MDX)
C) + some other stuff I can't quite remember what I was going to say.
-------- mIRC - fun for all the family (except grandma and grandpa)