A couple of pints down the local? You don't seem old enough to drink. Perhaps you should step back and take a different approach to putting across your point of view than swearing like some brat who can't get his own way.
However, the foundation of what you're saying is a fair point. I understand both sides of the argument, but as I am not able to pay for it due to more than just financial constraints, I may be a little bias to the "not paying" side

The fact is, this conversation gets more boring each time it's bought up, which is why I imagine Khaled/Krejt etc etc hardly ever get involved in this particular topic because they've seen all the arguments before. Given the recent "more nagging" version of mIRC, I doubt you're going to find it changing in the future so you might aswell just get used to it

MonoSex: That's a rather ignorant approach. I mean, I wouldn't want to use another client because as far as I'm concerned every other client for Windows simply doesn't compare to mIRC. As much as some other clients are well designed and very good (i.e. Klient) I wouldn't want to use it.
As I've said before, lost in the depths of posts that time forgot, I'm quite prepared to close an About dialogue box to use mIRC. It takes... 0.63 seconds to press that button. Goodness me, what a long startup time.
I would happily register mIRC, but I
can't. There's no point arguing over all of the options, and how cheap it is, and how Khaled so kindly makes it so you only have to pay $10 or whatever - because regardless of all those valid reasons, I still
can't. However, I'll use mIRC anyway.
It doesn't bother me (like those ever-so-terrible "grips" heh).
Happy antagonising.