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#27741 02/06/03 10:34 PM
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zalaam Offline OP
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how do i get an irc operator to have a different color on the nicklist in a channel. And how do i get @ before the name to a person talking if he's a regular op(the same with people with +voice), is it possible to have a spesical color if a irc operator speeks? like this or something:
[00:34:44] [ircop]: blabla

i know they have this in ircn.

#27742 02/06/03 10:43 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you mean IRC Ops and not Channel Ops, it's really rather worthless other than for 'ooh, neato!' factor. To make mIRC detect if a user is an IRC Operator, you have to perform a /who on everyone who joins a channel you are in. In addition, you have to /who $chan when you join a channel... and also have to take into consideration that not all IRC Operators will /oper up until they really need to... so you'll have to perform extra /who commands on timed intervals or compile a database of known Operators by address.

/WHO is an exceedingly resource consuming and wasteful command, especially when used to extract a single byte from the 160-180 byte average lines. If you like several big channels with users over 200 people, you can expect to download a megabyte or more when you simply start mIRC.

I recommend you just forget about the idea. It's cute, but Not Nice.

- Raccoon

Well. At least I won lunch.
Good philosophy, see good in bad, I like!
#27743 03/06/03 03:29 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you specifically know who is an operator, you can do alt+b (address book), click the nicks tab, and you can add a nickname and assign a color from there.

#27744 03/06/03 04:13 AM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Although I don't really support this feature at all, the only use I've ever seen for it is "oh there are irc ops on the channel, I better stop my spamming", but, nstead of using a /who nick when someone joins, it will be slightly more bandwidth efficient to /userhost nick. On most networks, /userhost will contain an * after the nick if the user is an oper. /userhost returns less information (no channel name, no hop count, no realname) so it is slightly less bandwidth being used.

#27745 03/06/03 07:16 PM
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Self-satisified door
Self-satisified door
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The @ or the + before the name of a user will be put automatically by executing the following command:

/msg L chanlev <yourchannel> <user> +ao/+av
(type this command without the < and the >)

-take +ao if you want the user to set as an operator if he joins your channel, take +av if you want him to have voice (+) if he joins the channel !
-When you executed this command the user has to rejoin your channel and then everything will run automatically!

#27746 03/06/03 07:29 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Umm sorry, that made no sense at all to me... what exactly does a bot that can set +o or +v have to do with anything?

#27747 03/06/03 08:07 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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Not much, but I think part of the original poster's question was how to show the user mode prefix. Not that you need a bot to do that, just check the box in Options->IRC. Unless I'm as confused as everyone else now. crazy

#27748 04/06/03 06:43 PM
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zalaam Offline OP
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it most be an easy way since ircn has the feature... funkkiller your lost, thats some quakenet [censored]. Thank you poppy smirk only the ircop thing remaining

#27749 04/06/03 10:07 PM
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Vogon poet
Vogon poet
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Don't think that just because IrcN does it, it is "easy", "good" or "cool". From what I've seen, most of the 'padding' IrcN includes is worthless eye candy, serving little 'real' purpose at all. Now while I'm sure many others would disagree with that sweeping statement, there is a reason why IrcN has so many bugs and bandwidth usage problems.

#27750 04/06/03 10:50 PM
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Hoopy frood
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If it's easy then in my view it shouldn't be. Opers are not meant to be easily identifiable except in official help channels where the active opers will most likely be opped. If people respect a server's rules and policies then there should be no need for any scripts to hunt them down.

#27751 04/06/03 11:08 PM
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Hoopy frood
Hoopy frood
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If you want to see how ircN does it, then /debug @debug and then see exactly what commands ircN sends out. My guess is it is going to wind up being either a /who or a /userhost like we told you.

#27752 05/06/03 02:49 AM
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Ameglian cow
Ameglian cow
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it may be possible with mts or some mirc coding. look into a IRCop scanner and find the core (which tells mirc it is a irc op)
and use it in on TEXT and use the command like { ifircop }
alias ifircop {
code to check
if (%var == $true) { command }
else { return value {
i know my codes and sentences are hard to understand, im half asleep, so.... it just comes out weird

#27753 06/06/03 10:14 AM
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Babel fish
Babel fish
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There is no foolproof method to detect irc operators. ConferenceRoom servers give administrators the option to "cloak" their operators at the flick of a mode switch. This isn't an /fjoin. I'm talking about a stealth oper mode that lets someone retain their 'power' w/o showing up AS an IRC operator on the /who lists. I'm honestly not familiar not with non-CR servers in that respect, but similar options probably exist for unreal, etc.

Having said that, the operscan things do sometimes work. MTS-compliant scripts are purportedly able to color IRCops automatically - presuming they're not cloaking themselves.

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