Seeing as Khaled already pointed out in other posts on the forum that he has certain things on his "to do" list, I don't think it's been forgotten about.
What's more, there have been fund raising appeals in the past, before version 6.03 came out, and seeing as there have been new versions since the first fund raising event was arranged, I think it's safe to say there will be newer versions. Infact, after the Afghan Refugee Crisis Appeal, versions 6.0/.01/.02/.03 were released.
On another note, I don't see what this obsession is with finding out if a new version will be coming out soon. If you think about it more, then it will seem to take a lot longer. What's more, at present, I do not feel the need for a new version. There are couple of tiny, minor things I would personally want changed/added to mIRC, but nothing major. The only real reason I see for releasing a new version is when the next lame h4x0r kiddie comes along and finds an exploit in it to try and make someone's life a misery for their own strange choice of entertainment

Oh yes, and as IRC is all about meeting people from around the world and being a part of a community, I think it's very appropriate (not to mention generous) of Khaled to donate these rather large quantities of money to various charities now and again.
Happy chatting.